
The nine-square-mile response district of the Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 4 adjoining Tacoma, WA, is rapidly expanding, signaling a need for additional fire protection equipment and manpower.

This single-stage 1,500-gpm pumper, built by W.S. Darley & Co. on a Spartan Gladiator chassis, is the district’s third in-service pumper. There is also one reserve pumper and two medical aid vehicles.

The new pumper has a top-mounted pump control panel immediately behind the cab. This gives the pump operator a better view of the fire as well as a certain margin of safety by getting him out of the street, explained Fire Chief Les Roley. The pump operator has control of five-inch inlets and discharges on each side and rear of the apparatus, and the automatic air bleed system and suction relief valve helps facilitate large diameter hose operations. The pumper is also equippepd with two 20-gallon foam tanks as well as a 700-gallon booster tank.

The ground ladders are slot loaded on their beams, allowing for more dompartment space, said Chief Roley. The pumper can carry eight self-contained breathing apparatus and eight spare tanks. The officer and chauffeur ride in the cab, and the canopied bench seat located behind the cab accommodates four firefighters.

The pumper, which went into service in late spring of this year, has already been in use on the fireground.

Circle No. 91 on Reader Service Card

The Lima, OH, Fire Department has begun changing over its apparatus to carry large-diameter hose (LDH), and has made LDH part of the specifications for all new apparatus.

This single-stage, 1,500-gpm pumper from Sutphen Corp. with five-inch LDH went into service last spring at the department’s central station and responds on all calls. The apparatus has a 500gallon fiberglass water tank and aluminum body construction to eliminate rust and deterioration. The pumper also carries the required NFPA hose load of 2 1/2-inch and 1 l/2-inch attack lines and has a pre-connected deck gun, supplied by Akron Brass, capable of discharging 1,000 gpm of water.

The officer and chauffeur ride in the cab, and one firefighter rides in each canopied jump seat protected by safety bars.

In addition to the main station, the Lima Fire Department has four outlying stations. Protecting a primarily urban district, with a section of the downtown area having been renovated to house senior citizens, the department has a total of nine in-service apparatus, five pumpers, one aerial (which went into service about two years ago and carries five-inch supply hose), one snorkel, and two medical units. There are also two ladder trucks and one pumper in reserve.

The new pumper replaced one out-of-date engine, and a second engine is expected to be replaced later this year by a pumper similar to the one pictured here.

Circle No. 92 on Reader Service Card

Due to the heavy mountainous terrain and the need for relay pumping, the Accord, NY, Fire District has purchased a new apparatus equipped with six-wheel drive (tandem wheels in the back) and capable of pumping 1,000+ gpm of water.

This new two-stage, 1,000-gpm Darley also has 1,000 gpm highpressure PTO pump, which gives the unit a pump and roll capability. It was built on an International chassis, which was the only one low enough to allow the pumper to get into the fire station with a four-inch clearance, said Accord Fire Chief Guy Finkbeiner. He further explained that the older 750-gpm pumpers don’t enable as many lines or apparatus to feed off the engine as the 1,000-gpm pumpers do.

The new pumper, in service at the district’s Rochester Company No. 2, is equipped with three-inch supply lines, I + 2-inch and 2 1/2inch attack lines, and two high-pressure booster reels The booster tank holds 750 gpm of water. The apparatus rides the officer and chauffeur in the cab.

The pumper replaced an older engine that has been put in reserve. The Accord Fire District, which is made up of three companies, has in service seven pumpers, one 1,500-gpm pumper-tanker plus two tankers, and one rescue equipment van.

Circle No. 93 on Reader Service Card

This Pierce rear-mount aerial ladder truck fulfills the Springfield, IL, Fire Department’s need to service its many tall structures in the downtown area. It has a 105-foot aerial ladder fitted with an electrically operated nozzle and carries 170 feet of ground ladders.

The truck, which has been in service for almost one year, also has a tandem axel. The apparatus is built on a Pierce Arrow chassis and is powered by a Detroit 6R 92T diesel engine with 335 hp and Allison 740 automatic transmission.

Circle No. 90 on Reader Service Card

The West 1-10 Volunteer Fire Department in Katy, TX, has accepted delivery of a 1985 Pierce/SFI 110-foot ladder tower on a Pierce Arrow chassis. It has a Detroit diesel 8V92TA engine and Allison HT-740 automatic transmission.

The unit has a Waterous 1,500-gpm two-stage pump, a 200-gallon water tank, a 6,000-watt Onan generator, and 1,000 feet of 5-inch hose.

Circle No. 80 on Reader Service Card

The Bristol, CT, Fire Department has received this FMC Omega pumper. The apparatus, which has been in operation since December 1985, is the department’s first all-aluminum pumper.

It supplies 750 gallons of water and 40 gallons of foam, and has a Feecon around-the-pump foam proportioner.

The unit has a three-man cab and a two-man jump seat. It is mounted on a Duplex D-350 chassis and has a Detroit 6V 92T diesel engine with Allison HT-740 automatic transmission.

Two crosslays above the pump panel each have 200 feet of 1 3/4inch hose. Other hose includes 1,200 feet of 3-inch and 150 feet of 2 1/2-inch. The midship mounted twin booster reels each carry 300 feet of 3/4-inch line.

Circle No. 94 on Reader Service Card

Photo by Mark A. Redman

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