APS Radio: Debbie Pike

An interview with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network Wellness Coordinator on the group’s role in helping firefighters and their immediate family who develop cancer

APS Radio/Fire Engineering

Host Jim Burneka speaks with Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) Wellness Coordinator Debbie Pike. Debbie is the “support” within the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. When firefighters or their immediate family members are diagnosed with cancer and reach out to the FCSN, Debbie is who they talk to. Debbie manages the FCSN Mentor Program and also schedules the informational toolboxes to be sent out. This episode describes all of the FCSN Support functions and gives a background into Debbie herself.

More information regarding the Firefighter Cancer Support Network can be found at: www.FirefighterCancerSupport.org

Debbie can be emailed at DPike@FCSN.net

More from Jim: https://firefightercancerconsultants.com/the-25-live/


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