It’s Arson Awareness Week, and the National Volunteer Fire Council has joined with the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and its partners to raise awareness about arson and how to stop serial arsonists. The theme this year is Working Together to Extinguish Serial Arson. Take this week to educate your community about the value of a collaborative effort with law enforcement, fire and emergency service departments, and the community to battle serial arsonists.
“A serial arsonist can paralyze a community with fear,” said Glenn Gaines, Deputy United States Fire Administrator. “Each fire feels like a personal assault. Banding together as partners strengthens our resolve and can bring law enforcement, the fire service, and the public together to more effectively fight the crime of arson.”
The USFA provides tools and resources to help you promote Arson Awareness Week and prevent arson in your community. Visit to learn more and access these resources.
For information regarding the Fire/Arson and Explosion Investigation curriculum offered at the National Fire Academy, visit
Arson Awareness Week: May 1-7
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