Autopsy Findings Reveal Burns, Breathing Issues Killed Arizona Firefighters

The 19 firefighters killed over the weekend in an Arizona fire died of burns and inhalation problems, according to initial autopsy findings released Thursday, reports The Associated Press.

Cari Gerchick, a spokeswoman for the Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s Office in Phoenix, said the Hotshots died from burns, carbon monoxide poisoning or oxygen deprivation, or a combination of the factors. The autopsies were performed Tuesday, but more detailed autopsy reports should be released in three months, pending lab work.

“Our work is not done,” Gerchick said. “But what we are glad about is that we can release these fallen heroes to their families for burial, and that grieving process can continue.”

The Prescott-based Hotshots’ bodies will be taken back to the hilltop community in a 75-mile procession from Phoenix on Sunday. Each firefighter will be in an individual hearse, accompanied by motorcycle escorts, honor guard members and American flags.

A memorial service planned for Tuesday is expected to draw thousands of mourners, including the families of the firefighters.

The firefighters had deployed Sunday to what was thought to be a manageable lightning-caused forest fire near the small town of Yarnell, about 60 miles northwest of Phoenix.

Read more of the story here

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