Bethel PA Firefighter Sues Over 2010 Accident

A volunteer firefighter injured in a July 2010 crash has sued his colleagues, the fire company and Upper Mount Bethel Township (PA).

Police found open cans of beer rolling around the cab of an overturned North Bangor Fire Co. truck and charged a 20-year-old assistant fire chief with being drunk behind the wheel as he drove the rig home after a parade.

Stuart Mintz and his wife, Paula, allege it had become a custom for firefighters to drink while operating fire company equipment and that township and fire company officials did nothing for years to stop it.

In a lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District court, Mintz claims he suffered severe and permanent injuries in the crash. He alleges the township’s failure to adopt policies that would have prevented the wreck violated his constitutional rights.

The suit, which seeks more than $150,000 in damages, was filed originally in Northampton County Court, but was moved to federal court at the request of the township’s attorney because it involves civil rights issues.

According to the lawsuit, Assistant Chief Zachary Romano was drinking at the fire company July 10, 2010, as firefighters prepared the company’s engines to appear in the Tatamy Fireman’s Parade. Mintz was assigned to the tanker truck that Romano drove to the parade, the suit says.

On the way to the parade, Romano stopped at a beer distributor in Stockertown, where he purchased a 30-pack of Coors Light, the lawsuit claims. Romano then drank beer as he drove the truck to the parade, the lawsuit says.

After the parade, the firefighters attended a celebration at Tatamy Fire Station, where Romano continued to consume alcohol, the suit says.

Romano was driving the tanker truck back to North Bangor Fire Co. with Mintz as a passenger when it overturned about 9:15 p.m. on Kesslersville Road after Romano lost control on a curve.

Mintz suffered fractured vertebrae, a concussion, a torn rotator cuff and other injuries, which the suit claims have caused him to suffer physical and mental disabilities, lost wages and substantial medical costs. His wife claims the injuries have caused her the loss of his services and partnership.

Read more of the story here

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