By William Shouldis
The challenges of today’s integrated emergency services require a fire officer to have in-depth knowledge of lines of authority and resource capabilities. Having the skills to stabilize the situation and not be part of the problem needs a preparedness plan. Fire officials, training chiefs, and company commanders must have a process for predicting strategic steps to perfect proficiency based on incident activities. The standardized national Incident Command System (ICS) was developed to be a management tool for planning and organizational structure. Regardless of the circumstances, ICS is “deeply- rooted” in decades of “all-hazard” best practices. Better service and safety are the “measuring sticks” for any agency. A realistic goal of training officers is to create a workable template to guard against operational oversights when the “alarm bell is activated.” Professional development programs for the incident commander (IC) position must include an understanding of mutual-aid assistance agreements, occupant behavior, building construction, fire growth, and estimating the physical limitations of firefighters. Many times, the demands of command post leadership force “split-second” decisions that have no margin for guessing.
William C. Richmond, a former chief in Philadelphia, was a mentor to many field commanders. In his book What We’ve Learned, the theme he keeps on repeating is that ICs have many choices. Most of these choices are determined by a rational judgment dictated by standard operating guidelines (SOGs), Emergency Operating Plans (EOPs), or agency procedures. Others are emotionally driven. Concrete benchmarks provide a “framework” for decision making at the emergency incident. The sole purpose of command is to coordinate all activities, and it is a misconception that a fire department can always initiate an aggressive attack. In reality, an offensive mode is not an obligation. It is an option based on the scope and situation of the incident and staffing. The position for an IC during an investigation, initial fast attack, or an immediate request for additional alarms necessitates training and experience.
Mobile and stationary positions have advantages and disadvantages. Command must quickly and correctly evaluate the strategy, tactics and resources required. An awareness of the complexities of an incident, from dispatch to demobilization, depends on maintaining a comprehensive perspective of the changing conditions. Progress reports from each geographical area or functional assignment are critical. Certainly, modern materials such synthetic furnishings, lightweight construction features, and the limitations of protective clothing “beg” for the IC to take a cautious approach before giving directions. For individuals to be confident and comfortable in making command decisions, there needs to be an “operational outline” with firm policies, workable procedures, meaningful training, and a credible method for selecting supervisors. Despite the size of a community, the “emergency response” can vary from firefighting to prehospital medical care to hazmat to vehicle extrication to confine space entrapment and even wilderness search. The IC must focus on a simple and straightforward management plan–stop the crisis, track the tasks, and have all first responders return to their families at the conclusion of a call.
No-Notice Events
Handling a “no-notice” event is a fire department’s organizational objective. It is supported by a long history and the deep traditions of the fire service; yet today’s fire departments are “under-siege” from reduced budgets and a lack of “large-scale” multiagency deployments. Unfortunately, often without the benefit of regular interagency training or seasoned field commanders, there can be cascading consequences in communities where public safety agencies do not work together. The result is less control and more confusion. Commanders are responsible for having a full understanding of the capabilities of public, private, and nongovernmental entities.
In 2014, three diverse and difficult events made national headlines. The commonalities of compressed time, incomplete information, high-risk assignments, emergency communication, and interagency cooperation were factors facing each IC. These incidents included a fire in an apartment building in the Back-Bay section of Boston, Massachusetts, and a train derailment with a “crude oil” fire near downtown Lynchburg Virginia. They became high-profile incidents because of the loss of lives and property and environmental contamination. The third incident was a fast-moving row house fire in a residential neighborhood of Philadelphia. The deaths of four children, the destruction of eight homes, and the displacement of 42 residents incited angry protesters. A community meeting was called to stop rumors and innuendos.
All of these incidents draw the attention of instructors who teach topics relating to “whole community” preparedness. The situations required a rapid realistic action plan. Response readiness under extremely adverse conditions requires a “mental model” for ICs to identify needs and match capabilities. Having a “user-friendly” checklist to assist in fireground analysis is worth considering.
Critical Operational Management Components
The IC is the “gatekeeper” for five critical components of effective operational management. Fireground decision-making characteristics can be separated into the following:
Information collection and sharing. It is a significant challenge for an IC is to stay ahead of changing conditions. Faulty perception or an inability to predict problems will interfere with real-world “tactical thinking.” A comprehensive risk assessment is critical in developing an initial action plan. The IC or an appointed safety officer must manage the inherent risk and identify the hazards at the emergency event. The IC’s awareness of size-up factors such as apparatus placement, access/egress paths, water supply, staffing levels, and carefully monitoring of the passage of operating time is vital to a safe outcome. It is impossible to consistently coordinate resource deployment without a reliable means for managing the flow of information.
Incident choices are directly proportional to the risk-and-reward ratio. The firefighting attitude on substantial “risk-based rules” is clear: Do not take significant risk under most circumstances, consider an acceptable level of reasonable risk when calculating modes of operation, and avoid any needless risk-taking when lives or property are not savable. Providing an “injury-free” work environment hinges on the IC’s ability to anticipate fire behavior and collapse potential. Both depend on training and experience. Often, the IC can use a “quick start guide” to help prepare the plan. Command tools commonly found at the incident command post are status boards for a visual display of the organizational structure and situation, a portable radio to obtain verbal input from subordinates, and following the widely adopted principles of LCES: Lookout, Communication, Escape route, and Safety zones. Certainly, the application rate of hose streams, nozzle reach, crew size, and the supply of breathable air are applicable to the offensive mode, as is consideration of minimum distance in establishing a collapse zone (150 percent the height of the structure) when choosing exterior water streams in a defensive mode. Knowing the locations of companies and crews is also an essential element in operational management.
Scene control. Understanding strategy, tactics, and the communication plan allows an IC to adapt to dynamic conditions. During the initial phase, it is not unusual for division and group supervisors to encounter insufficient staffing to safely complete some basic fireground tasks such as stretching a kink-free hoseline, raising portable ladders, or conducting a primary search. Control can be achieved by updating a command board to track tasks, secure the perimeter, monitor traffic flow, and identify specific locations of working members. Frequently, the duration of a response will require relief. Regardless of the type of deployment, accurate accountability is mandated. Underestimating the need for planning and logistical support will result in an inability to coordinate the scene.
Resource allocation. Quality company inspections and preincident planning will greatly assist the IC in determining operational priorities of life-safety, stabilization, and property/environmental conservation. Time and trigger points such as location and extent of the problem, fire load, stopping the fire spread, portable ladder placement, evacuating occupants, utility control, dangers during overhaul, use of built-in fire protection features, and structural integrity are concerns when creating suppression, ventilation, and search teams. Additional personnel for rapid intervention, safety, interviewing witnesses, monitoring roadways, and responder rehab cannot be neglected when making assignments. Mobile handlines vs. stationary master streams can be used to extinguish flames or defend exposures. Equipment and expertise are requirements in dividing scarce resources.
Reputation preservation. The ability to transfer messages between the IC and key positions is critical. The command and general staffs need to be briefed on important fireground changes. Communication among the various layers in the workforce on assignments, assessing probability of occupant survival, emergency evacuation protocols, designated rally points, and implemented incident command positions, such as Operation Section chief, Staging Area manager, Division/Group supervisors, while keeping the public informed on evacuation zones, traffic routes, first aid stations, and shelter locations will increase the confidence of the community in the fire service’s ability to mitigate any threat. Preparing prevention messages on topics such as installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors; encouraging emergency escape route with predetermined gathering points; working with public safety partners on senior citizen home assessments; and having fire department representative at public meetings are all meaningful methods for managing the organization’s reputation.
Ensuring peak performance from the command position requires a connection among communication, delegation, and enforcement of operating procedures. Preparedness starts with a practical plan to address the essential elements of information, incident, scene, resource, and reputation management. Today’s ICs must learn from the administrative and operational mistakes of past generations. The IC is accountability for first responders’ health and wellness. Ultimately, command is responsible for gathering input, setting priorities, and coordinating resources. Having compassion for those suffering a loss and providing care for first responders with an adequate work/rest cycle are paramount. Training with a fast, firm, fundamental fireground formula for command decision making will increase the odds of a positive outcome. As the all-hazard fire service continues to change, so does the importance of identifying the critical components of command. When minutes matter most, you will need operational management plan to avoid the “combustible mixture” of confusion and conflicts. The IC should be the compass and conscience for appropriate actions.
William Shouldis retired as a deputy chief from the Philadelphia (PA) Fire Department, where he served in line and staff positions for 35 years. He is an instructor at the National Emergency Training Center and a guest speaker at the Graduate School at St. Joseph’s University.