ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING, second edition, Fire Protection Publication, IFSTA, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078; 400 pages; $20.00.
IFSTA has compiled a complete fire training manual containing almost 500 photographs and 200 detailed drawings. Included in the text are the NFPA Standards, new and innovative techniques, and step-by-step procedures.
EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN, Roger E. Herman; Universe Books, 381 Park Ave. South, NY, NY 10016; 542 pages, 8 ½ x 11-inch format; $160.00
This book is a set of guidelines, instructions, and advice on how to put together a disaster plan for a local government. Its color-coded pages are organized in four sections: introductory material, policies and authority, response procedures, and resources. A management tool, it includes sample forms, polyvinyl binder, dividers, and updating service.
DESIGN OF SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR BUILDINGS, The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329; ASHRAE members $20.00, Non members $40.00.
This manual is intended as a reference tool providing practical state-ofthe-art design information about the use of air systems for smoke flow control. The concept uses fans to produce air flows and pressure differences which restrict smoke movement.
Topics in the manual include: fundamental concepts of smoke control; the NBS computer program for analysis of smoke control systems; stairwell pressurization; zoned smoke control; and acceptance testing.
Free Booklets against Arson
Aetna Life & Casualty has funded development of a series of booklets called the Aetna Arson Prevention Series. The series is a how-to guide and describes a variety of programs throughout the country that have proven effective in combatting arson.
The booklets also contain a list of experts who are available for consultation on local problems as well as a comprehensive bibliography of the best anti-arson literature.
To obtain a free copy of the booklets write: Aetna Arson Prevention Series, Aetna Life & Casualty, DA06, 151 Farmington Ave., Hartford, CT 06156.