FIRE HYDRAULICS, Andrew L. Simon; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY 10158; 232 pages; $22.95.
This book, written specifically for the fire fighting profession, stresses conceptual understanding of hydraulics. Chapters deal with the basic mathematics, theorems and laws needed for hydraulics. The physical causes contributing to the deterioration of fire streams are explained on the basis of known hydraulic theorems. All problems are solved in detail throughout the book both in American and SI Metric units.
GROUND COVER FIRE FIGHTING PRACTICES, second edition; International Fire Service Training Association; Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University; 152 pages.
Manual updating information on the organization and command of ground cover fire fighting forces. An entire chapter is devoted to personal safety.
SAN FRANCISCO CORPORATE PLANNING GUIDE, Red Cross Disaster Resource Center, San Francisco, CA 94109; 70 pages; $10.00.
Designed to assist executives in developing plans for corporate survival, this is a comprehensive study of the planning, responsibility, and equipment resourses necessary in disaster situations.
FIRE ENGINES OF THE WORLD, lanette Mallet; Vilo Inc., NY; 224 pages; $25.95.
290 photographs and descriptions devided by country, offer the reader a review of the most basic to the most sophisticated fire engines in the world.