INCENDIARY FIRES, Steven Swab; Robert J. Brady Company, Bowie, MD 20715; 168 pages.
A reference manual for fire investigators. The text explores the range of possibilities in the world of arson. The first chapter contains an incendiary reference table, while the later chapters deal with the chemical and electronical aspects of igniting an illegal fire.
SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS, Harold Wass, Jr.; IRM Insurance, 15 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601; 189 pages; $19.95
Easy to read discussions of underlying theory, practical examples of calculations, useful and original tables, perceptive insights into problem solving and provocative opinions are contained in this book. The thrust is on understanding flow phenomena to help evaluate calculated sprinkler systems. Starting with a general discussion of the mathematics involved, the discussion proceeds to define sprinkler density including several examples which explain how to determine discharge areas. Sprinkler head discharge and flow-through pipes are examined and the meanings and accuracy limits of the various factors are presented.