Boy Scout Program Clears Hydrants After Snowstorms

Boy Scout Program Clears Hydrants After Snowstorms


Digging out hydrants after a snowstorm was a serious problem for the men of the Hamburg, N.Y., Volunteer Fire Department. Hamburg is just south of Buffalo in the snow belt.

It was during a particularly bad snowstorm that, some Boy Scouts volunteered to shovel out hydrants. This led the fire department to inaugurate a program called Operation Clearpath, which was designed and coordinated by First Assistant Chief Thomas Moses and Charles Rectenwalt, cubmaster of Pack 525 of Saint James United Church of Christ.

The program involves the Boy Scout and Cub Scout organization in the Village of Hamburg. Each Boy Scout is asked to keep the hydrant closest to his home free from snow and other debris in the winter. After the Scout has completed two years in the program and a total of 40 boy hours, he receives an Operation Clearpath patch, which he may wear on his uniform. The patch is awarded at a banquet held at, and sponsored by, the fire department each fall.

The village is divided into zones and each troop supplies an inspector for each zone. His job is to inspect the hydrants in his zone each week and report his findings to the program coordinator. The coordinator keeps a file on each hydrant and the name of the boys responsible for it. Each inspector also keeps the hour sheets that the boys in his troop turn into him. These are kept on file so that at a glance, the coordinator can see how many hours each boy has put into keeping his hydrant clear and the dates he worked.

The Cub Scouts are also asked to clear snow, but their age group is taken into consideration. The Cubs do not have to turn in hour sheets and are encouraged to do a hydrant with a den dad or with several other boys. For their participation, the Cubs receive medals at the banquet.

Safety is continually stressed to the Scouts. This program has some side benefits in that it establishes an excellent rapport between the fire fighters and the youth of the community. It gives a tangible way for a youth to help his community and gives him recognition for that help.

Rick Lasky, Scott Thompson, Curtis Birt, and John Salka

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