Last Tuesday was set apart for the first meeting of the new Board of Fire Commissioners, all having qualified and filed their bonds. The hour of 10 was named, but Jong before that time, and in fact until near noon, a large crowd of candidates, officeholders and politicians congregated in and about the headquarters. Commissioner Ryan was the first who came iu sight; he was immediately buttoned-holed by half a dozen, anting whom were a couple of Aldermen who had an axe to grind for some near friend. Ryan succeeded in get ting within the building, where he sank down, almost talked to death. Commissioner Gallagher was next to round the corner. He is the Lord Dundreary of the Board, presents a noble appearance, but on this occasion he looked weak-kneed. He was supported on both sides by two ward politicians, and the buzzing that he received from the twins, beggars description. He, however, reached the Council Chamber in just one hour and ten minutes from the corner. At last President Williams entered, deathly pale, but showing a detei raided look. The clerks were alive to business. Every one took a turn at dusting off the Commissioners’ table and arranging the papers. At last tbe Commissioners disappeared, no one could tell where, but after a diligent search through mysterious stairways and down into an adjoining buildiug, they were discovered closeted together. The handsome clerk of the Board stood guard at the upper entrance. Every effort was made by friends to see this Commissioner or that Commissioner, but it was no go. The handsome clerk was beard to say “I know no North, no South, no East, no West. I only know my new bosses best.” At last the spell was broken, the Commissioners re appeared, and the query went ihe rounds, “Wbai’s done, what’s done;” but the only reply was, “Nothing, nothing, n o-t h iog.” All now breathed more freely. Browney was beard to exclaim, “ I still live.” Chief Nevins said nothing, but kept up a terrible lot of thinking. Engineer Smith never looked so jolly—in fact, even down to little Tommy there was joy, and many a heart was made glad that another extension of time had been granted. Thus all remains as it has since May last, but there is no doubt, ere many days, the grinding mill will be set in operation.
Our old friend, Fireman William Vandevere, of Engine No. 2, now the worthy proprietor of the Ocean Course House at Coney Island, seems to have the run of the old vamps, llis house is a great resort for the Firemen of both NewYork and Brooklyn.
Quite a lively fire took place on Tuesday evening in the Eastern District, but Asst. Engineer Smith was wide awoke, and with the “Burg” firemen did splendidly. It was a well stopped fire.
Supt. George Fianley, of the Telegraph Departments of both the Police and Fire, is making many important improvements iu the fire lines. His system of arranging instruments is the most perfect in the United States.
The annual report of the Fire and Building Department will shortly be made. Last year it cost $373,997 07.
The Department is in great need of more steamers; if the authorities don’t provide the firemen with the necessary requirements they will catch it some fine morning, but don’t blame the Department.