Buffalo (NY) Firefighters Respond to Train vs. Tractor-Trailer Collision

Buffalo (NY) firefighters operate a hoseline on a rail car during a hazmat incident.

Photo by Kevin Brautlacht

On June 23. 2015 at approximately 10 a.m., Buffalo (NY) firefighters responded with a full first-alarm assignment to a reported collision between a train and tractor-trailer at 320 Ganson Street.


Dispatch quickly updated responding crews that the tractor-trailer was burning and there was a report of explosions and injuries. First-arriving firefighters reported that the cab of the tractor-trailer was fully involved and that there natural gas cylinders on the truck.

One of the cylinders had exploded prior to the fire department’s arrival and scattered pieces of the truck on the road. The truck driver and the conductor of the train, who had been on the back of the train, suffered burns and were taken to the hospital.

The tractor-trailer was a natural gas-powered vehicle and the tanks were located behind the cab. The smoke from the boxcar in these photos was the insulation burning.

One firefighter was also injured and transported to the hospital. The train car was empty and the tractor-trailer was carrying a shipment of flour.

The incident was later upgraded to a hazmat response when reps from the trucking company requested it. Several firefighters were sent to the hospital to be checked for hydrogen cyanide exposure. 

Damage was listed at $600,000 to the vehicles.



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