Buffalo (NY) Firefighters Battle Commercial Fire

Firefighters on scene at a recent commercial fire in Buffalo


Photos and incident report by Angelo McKnight

Buffalo fire crews were called to this recent fire at 586 Tonawanda St.

Engine 26 arrived with heavy smoke from a one-story commercial structure. They laid a handline into Side 3 and reported fire in the rear. Engine 19 secured a water source for Engine 26, so Engine 36 prepped the rig for additional water resources. Engine 36 stretched the second line to back up Engine 26. Ladder 13 forced a rear door and along with Engine 26, and they began to operate the line in the rear.

Suddenly, a heavy volume of fire emanated from the doorway. Members made a hasty retreat to the exterior and became cut off from the Side 4  driveway as heavy fire blew out the 3/4 side of the structure and down the driveway. 



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