Buffalo (NY) Firefighter Battle Warehouse Fire with Extension

By Kevin Brautlacht

Buffalo (NY) ire dispatchers received multiple calls reporting a fire at Northland and Winchester Avenues June 16, 2014. First-in companies reported heavy fire in the rear of an abandoned, partially collapsed warehouse at 597 Northland Avenue.

Preplanning Pays Off

Due to preplanning, firefighters were familiar with the dangers of the structure and went to a defensive attack. While still en route, the 3rd Battalion Chief requested a second alarm.

The fire also spread to another commercial building next door. Crews used three tower ladders, four 2 1/2-inch handlines, and one Blitz fire nozzle. Three firefighters were injured battling the blaze. Damage was pegged at $125,000.

More shots from this incident HERE.

More of Kevin’s photos at www.wowmephotos.com.




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