Burn specialists receive IAFF Burn Foundation grants
The International Association of Fire Fighters® Burn Foundation awarded more than $120,000 in grants to seven leading medical specialists for their continued work in researching and preventing serious burn injuries. The presentations were made at the annual meeting of the American Burn Association in Nashville, Tennessee, in March.
Grant recipients were Jay A. Johannigman, M.D., Department of Surgery, the University of Cincinnati Medical Center; Marion Jordan, M.D., Washington Hospital Center–Burn Center, Washington, D.C.; Bruce M. Achauer, M.D., F.A.C.S., University of California Irvine Medical Center; Charles W. Hewitt, Ph.D., Department of Surgery, The Cooper Hospital, Camden, New Jersey; James A. Fauerbach, M.D., Baltimore Regional Burn Center, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; Dennis C. Gore, M.D., Medical College of Virginia, Richmond; and Rhonda Robert, Ph.D., Department of Family Services, Shriners Burn Institute, Galveston, Texas.