CA Firefighter Among Two Injured in Two-Alarm Garage Fire

According to a report from CBS News, San Francisco (CA) Fire Department crews responded to and contained a garage fire in the city’s Inner Sunset neighborhood Thursday night. The response was eventually elevated to two alarms.

San Francisco Fire Department Media/Twitter

Motorists were informed to avoid the area around 19th Avenue and Lincoln Way, south of Golden Gate Park.

SFFD received that call just after 8:30 p.m. for the 1200 block of 19th Avenue. Police and other emergency crews responded and were still extinguishing the flames at 10:30 p.m.

San Francisco Fire Department Media/Twitter

At least two, including one firefighter, suffered minor injuries, and both are expected to recover.


Fires in Detached Garages

Attached Garage Fires: Strategy and Tactics

The Hidden Dangers of Garage Fires

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