The California Ambulance Association (CAA) today announced the recipients of its annual ‘Stars of Life’ Awards recognizing private ambulance company employees whose efforts have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Twenty-nine paramedics and emergency medical technicians from throughout California will be recognized for their lifesaving actions or exceptional professional achievements during a ceremony Tuesday April 23rd in Sacramento.
“While EMS professionals are trained to respond appropriately during medical emergencies, it’s a very difficult job. It’s important to honor emergency medical service providers for serving our community members during their most vulnerable moments,” said Helen Pierson, CAA Board Chairperson for 2013. “The efforts of our Stars of Life, whether during a single life-saving event or a career-long exemplary performance record, stand out among their peers.”
The Star of Life Medals will be presented during a ceremony at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento Tuesday morning and then all of the Stars will gather at 9:30 on the east steps of the State Capitol for a group photo. Throughout the day, they will meet individually with members of the State Senate and Assembly to tell their life-saving stories and deliver important first-hand information regarding the essential service provided by California’s private sector ambulance services.
The day’s festivities will wrap up with an awards dinner at the Sheraton Grand Hotel Tuesday evening during which each Star will be honored with a legislative resolution recognizing their accomplishments presented by CAA board members and Dr. Howard Backer, Director of the California Emergency Medical Services Authority.
Being honored this year are:
Paramedic Kyle Bush of Schaefer’s Gold Cross Ambulance Service in Imperial County is being honored for his exceptional work ethic.
Paramedic Arturo Carreon of American Ambulance in Fresno is receiving the Star of Life for his contributions as an outstanding paramedic in Fresno.
Paramedic Shawn Crocker of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a woman in cardiac arrest.
Paramedic Joe DeQuattro of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a man in cardiac arrest.
Paramedic Sherard Flores of Schaefer Ambulance in Los Angeles is receiving the Star of Life for providing outstanding care to an infant in respiratory distress.
Paramedic Kent Frazier of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a person suffering a cerebral vascular event.
Paramedic Acina Hansen of San Luis Ambulance in San Luis Obispo is receiving the Star of Life for her consistent, high quality patient care and contributions to her organization.
Paramedic Perry Hookey of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for his heroic efforts while trying to rescue a man from a burning 18-wheel truck.
Paramedic Alan Hughry of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a 6-year old cardiac arrest patient.
Paramedic Sam Humphries of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of an adult male in cardiac arrest.
Paramedic Anthony Keehne of Schaefer Ambulance in Los Angeles is receiving the Star of Life for providing outstanding care to an infant in respiratory distress.
EMT Kelly Kinkade of Riggs Ambulance Service in Merced is receiving the Star of Life for her relentless work ethic and promoting EMS careers for youth in Merced County.
Paramedic Nathan Kline of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for exemplary customer service in Metro Bakersfield.
Paramedic Jonathon Knauf of Mercy Medical Transportation in Escondido is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a child in cardiac arrest.
EMT Markus Lincoln of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a six-year old cardiac arrest patient.
Paramedic Brian McChristian of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a woman in cardiac arrest.
Paramedic Monica McGrew of American Ambulance in Fresno is receiving the Star of Life for her lifelong commitment to EMS and contributions to her organization.
Emergency Medical Dispatcher Cameron Messer of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for his outstanding contributions to his organization.
Paramedic Ken Sexton of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for his generous donation of hearing aids to a community member.
EMT Ray Shanahan of Care Ambulance Service in Orange is receiving the Star of Life for his dedication and outstanding leadership within his organization.
Paramedic Amy Shontz of City Ambulance of Eureka is receiving the Star of Life for her treatment and extrication of a man who was impaled by a tree branch in a remote area.
Paramedic Robert Smith of Riggs Ambulance Service in Merced is receiving the Star of Life for his commitment to high quality patient care and service to his community.
Chiyon Speakman, RN, of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano is receiving the Star of Life for her excellent care of a cardiac patient who went into a ventricular tachycardia during transport.
Klatann Thomas of Care Ambulance Service in Orange is receiving the Star of Life for his outstanding leadership and commitment to providing EMS to his community.
Paramedic Jesse Torres of Mercy Medical Transportation in Escondido is receiving the Star of Life for his commitment to high quality patient care and service to his organization.
EMT Angelica Van Aalst of Care Ambulance Service in Orange is receiving the Star of Life for her commitment to quality patient care, outstanding leadership, and service to her community.
EMT John Van Aalst of Care Ambulance Service in Orange is receiving the Star of Life for his commitment to quality patient care, outstanding leadership, and service to his community.
EMT Pamela Watson of Medic Ambulance Service in Solano County is receiving the Star of Life for her commitment to high quality patient care and contributions to her organizations.
Paramedic Brian White of Hall Ambulance Service in Bakersfield is receiving the Star of Life for saving the life of a patient in cardiac arrest.
Founded in 1948, the California Ambulance Association (CAA) represents the interests of emergency and non-emergency ambulance service providers serving nearly every county of the state of California. As healthcare’s first responders, the Association is dedicated to assuring the delivery of excellent pre-hospital care to the people of California by promoting recognized industry best practices.