Cassidian Communications, an EADS North America company, announced today that it will showcase its suite of integrated, multimedia-ready, next generation solutions for public safety communications in booth #1237 at the 2012 Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International Conference and Expo in Minneapolis, Minn., August 19 – 22.
As a sponsor and exhibitor at this year’s APCO conference, Cassidian Communications will feature its advanced communications portfolio that delivers voice, data and video communications across all stages of an emergency response situation from the initial 9-1-1 call to the response in the field. The “call-to-car” multimedia demonstration will showcase the Cassidian Communications NG9-1-1 call processing solution interworking with its LTE broadband vehicle router, clients and applications.
“The next generation of emergency communications management will rely on advanced technology and the seamless integration of systems, applications and devices,” said François Begaud, chief operating officer, Cassidian Communications Land Mobile Radio. “Our strategy focuses on the most efficient means to increase the integration and management of mission critical data through the entire lifespan of an emergency response, while also offering our customers choice, customization and value. The end game is to increase operational efficiency, lower the total cost of ownership for our customers, and ultimately, improve and enrich public safety response.”
The Cassidian Communications booth will also include demonstrations of its new notification solution, the standards-compliant CORP25 LMR system, and devices and applications for interoperable LTE/P25 voice communications.