Chat: Mike Gagliano and Mike Dugan

Today’s live chat features Seattle (WA) Captain Mike Gagliano and retired FDNY Captain Mike Dugan talking with Bobby Halton from FDIC 2014.

MICHAEL M. DUGAN is a 27-year veteran of the Fire Department of New York, where he served as captain of Ladder Company 123 before retiring in 2012. As a lieutenant, he served in Ladder Company 42 and was a firefighter in Ladder Company 43. He has been involved with the fire service for 39 years.

MIKE GAGLIANO has 25 years of fire/crash/rescue experience with the Seattle (WA) Fire Department and the U.S. Air Force.  He is the captain of Ladder 5 and is coauthor of Air Management for the Fire Service. He is a member of the FDIC advisory board and serves on the and UL boards. He cohosts the Fire Engineering radio show “Mikey G and Mikey D” and partners with his wife Anne ( to teach on strategies for developing and maintaining a strong marriage/family.


GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed in Alabama Shooting

A fire battalion chief from Georgia was killed in a roadside shooting that injured two other people in Chambers County on Sunday night, the sheriff’s office said.
David Rhodes, Jerry Tracy, and Jack J. Murphy

In The Books: High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges

David Rhodes discusses the comprehensive book High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges with authors Gerald Tracy and Jack Murphy.