Chicago Fire Captain Herbert Johnson, a 32-year veteran, died while operating at a house fire on the city’s South Side.
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, on November 2, 2012, Captain Johnson, 54, and his engine company crew were dispatched along with other firefighters to a report of a structure fire in a 2 1/2-story wood frame residential structure. The first unit on the scene, a battalion chief, reported a working fire and found conditions on the first and second floors clear, with fire on the second floor of an enclosed porch to the rear.
When Captain Johnson and his unit arrived on the scene, there were reports from an arriving ladder company of fire visible from the attic. Captain Johnson and his crew secured a water supply and advanced a hoseline to the second floor. Fire conditions changed rapidly and the fire overcame Captain Johnson’s position. Other firefighters were able to remove Captain Johnson from the structure and bring him to the street.
Captain Johnson was transported by fire department ambulance to the hospital. He died at 1845 hours as a result of asphyxiation (smoke inhalation).