In recognition of exemplary commitment to the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) presented the Seal of Excellence to the Raleigh (NC) Fire Department. The NFFF’s Seal of Excellence Award is presented annually to an individual, group, or entire fire/rescue/EMS department demonstrating commitment to the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, commitment to firefighter health and safety, and for contributing to reducing the number of firefighter line-of-duty deaths and injuries.
Following the 2009 crash of a ladder truck, the department developed an extensive apparatus training program for all drivers. They also produced a video about safe driving which included personal accounts from those who had been involved in the crash.
Chief Ronald J. Siarnicki, executive director of the NFFF, presented the award during the department’s 100th Anniversary Ball on Saturday, November 17. Chief Siarnicki also presented a replica of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial to Chief John McGrath for his service to the Foundation. Chief McGrath serves as the Memorial Weekend Incident Commander, is a Taking Care of Our Own® Instructor and a Chief to Chief Participant. Siarnicki noted that from the early planning stages through the final moments of each year’s Memorial Weekend, McGrath’s focus is on meeting the needs of the survivors and expects the same from all who volunteer during the weekend.
“Chief McGrath’s dedication to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, the survivors, and the fire service as a whole is unparalleled” said Siarnicki. “He is respected and admired by all. On behalf of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, it is my pleasure to honor him and the Raleigh Fire Department tonight.”
For more information about Everyone Goes Home® and the Seal of Excellence Award, go to