March 2-4—”Superior Leaders Make It Happen” is the theme of the 19TH ANNUAL NORTHWEST FIRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR. Topics at the seminar, which will be held in Portland, Ore., include “Administering the Labor Agreement,” “Disaster Management—A Comparative Analysis,” and “An International Perspective on the Fire Service—European Emphasis.” Bob Ely, immediate past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, will present the keynote address, “The State of the Fire Service.” Contact Gary Holt, Eugene Fire Department, 55 N. Seneca St., Eugene, OR 97402; (503) 687-5425.
March 19&emdash;The 6TH ANNUAL EMERGENCY SERVICES CONFERENCE will include educational sessions for firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, emergency physicians, and law enforcement personnel. The conference will be held at the Telemark Resort in Cable, Wise. The morning topic for all disciplines is “Emergency Services and the Media.” Afternoon sessions for firefighters include “Fatal Fires” and “Liability and Firefighting.” Topics for EMTs include “Care of the Elderly,” “Critical Incident Stress Debriefing,” and “Special Rescue Problems.” For brochures and registration information, contact Terry Gonderzik, EMS Specialist, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, 2100 Beaser Ave., Ashland, WI 54806.
March 26—The FIFTH ANNUAL TRAUMATOLOGY CONFERENCE will address patient care on site, en route to the hospital, in the emergency room, and on the ICU floor. The conference, which will be at the Beaumont Plaza Holiday Inn in Beaumont Texas, is sponsored by local hospitals, Lamar University, Chevron USA, and the Beaumont Fire Department/EMS. Topics at ‘Trauma: Intervention Update” will include immediate and emergency room management of head injuries; snake bite victim assessment for first responders; and assessment and management of the near-drowning victim. A simulated multiple-victim accident is planned. Contact Linda Chudzinski, Lamar University, Continuing Education Department, P.O. Box 10008, Beaumont, TX 77710; telephone (409) 880-8429.
March 26-30—”Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow—Your Choice” is the theme of the 60TH ANNUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS CONFERENCE. The conference, which will be held in Cincinnati, will include training and educational exhibits, speakers, a training clinic, and, for members, elections and individual section business meetings. Main program subjects include “Is a Fire Officer Liable?,” “Marketing for Recruiting—Training and Maintaining Volunteers,” and “Dealing with Dinosaurs—A Survival Guide for Fire Service Mid-Level Managers.” Basic, advanced, and general seminars will be offered; topics include “Fire Brigade Leadership,” “Tactical Ventilation,” and “A Fire Department’s Report Card for Management.” Contact FDIC Registrar, 20 Main St., Ashland, MA 01721.
April 6—A HIGH-RISE FIRE SYMPOSIUM will emphasize the duties of the fire safety director at high-rise fires. Chief officers from the Fire Department of New York City will speak at the symposium, which is sponsored by the Fire Safety Directors Association. Topics include fire alarm systems and retrofitting sprinkler systems in high-rise office buildings. The symposium will be held at 399 Park Ave. in New York City from 8:30 a.m. to 1p.m.. Contact Mike Laffey, Life Safety Director, Prudential Realty Group, at (201) 877-6164.
April 9-13—The IAFC METROPOLITAN FIRE CHIEFS SECTION’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE will be held in El Paso, Texas. Topics include “Arson in the 80s,” “Insurance Industry’s Role in Fire Science Study,” “America’s Apathy,” and an issues symposium. Contact Chief Joe Wilson, El Paso Fire Department, 201 S. Florence, El Paso, TX 79901; telephone (915) 541-4618.