SEPTEMBER 21-25—The International Association of Fire Chiefs is sponsoring IAFC ’91: LEADERSHIP FOR LIFE SAFETY, to be held in Toronto, Canada. The conference and exhibition includes more than 300 educational sessions, live outdoor demos, a parade, and an apparatus maintenance workshop. Contact: IAFC, 1329 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036-6516, (202) 833-3420.
OCTOBER 5-6—The Bergen County Police and Fire Academy presents its THIRD ANNUAL PUBLIC SAFETY EXPO, to be held in Mahwah, New Jersey. The event features police, fire, and HMS demonstrations including a bomb robot, car fires, the SWAT team, and the Medi-Vac helicopter. Contact: Pamela Morey, (201) 818-7800.
OCTOBER 18-20—The 5TH ANNUAL COLO- RADO FIREFIGHTERS ACADEMY, win be held in Durango, Colorado. It features 60 topics such as personal safety, stress management, and motivating and recruiting volunteers. Preconference workshops will be offered October 16 and 17. Contact: Pat Donnelly. San Juan Basin Vo-Tech School, Box 970, Cortez, CO 81321, (303) 565-8457.
OCTOBER 28-NOVEMBER 1 -The universitv of Nevada. Reno Dodd/Beals Fire Protection Training Academy (UNR FPTA) is offering STRATEGY AND TACTICS, a course to beheld in Reno, Nevada. Contact: Tracy Burger, (702) 972-0785 or UNR FPTA, P.O. Box 60177, Reno, NV 89506.
NOVEMBER 2-3 — The Northern Illinois Training Association (NITA) is presenting URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE, a seminar to be held in Waukegan. Illinois. Among the information offered are FEMA and NFPA standards, lessons learned from disasters, training, safety, and EMS. Contact: David C. Ward. Vice President, NITA, 1815 Blanchard Rd., Waukegan, IE 60087, (708) 249-5410.
NOVEMBER 2-3-FIREFIGHTER SAFETY AND SURVIVAL SEMINAR, hosted by the Hillsborough Volunteer Fire Co. #3, will be held in Hillsborough. New Jersey. Speakers include Vincent Dunn (FDNY), Bruce Varner (Phoenix Fire Dept.), Dennis Rubin (Chesterfield, Virginia, Fire Dept.) and Dr. Halbert Fillinger. Contact: Rick Pressl, (908) 359-8802 or Bob Brock, (908) 632-4537.
NOVEMBER 9—PREPARING THE FIRE GROUND SAFETY OFFICER, a seminar offered by the FireDepartment Safety Officers Association (FDSOA), will be held in Westboro, Massachusetts. Presented is a systematic approach to performing as an incident safety officer. Contact: FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland. MA 01721.
NOVEMBER 10-12 — The National Coordinating Council of Emergency Management (NCCEM) is sponsoring NCCEM 1991 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBIT, to iuheld in Kansas City, Missouri. It focuses on Louisiana floods and Kansas tornadoes case studies, emergency management standards/certification, and more. Contact: NCCEM Headquarters, (703) 533-7672.
NOVEMBER 11-17-1991 EMERGENCY DISPATCH CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION, held in Nashville, Tennessee, offers preconference training courses and seminars, exposition of emergency telecommunications and dispatch equipment, and conference sessions. Contact: Colleen Fleming, 139 E. South Temple, Suite 6000, Salt Dike City, UT 841 11. (801) 363-9127.
NOVEMBER 16-17 — Dive Rescue 1m In tcrnational offers the course ICE RESCUE TRAINER, which will be held in Spokane, Washington. Students will learn ice rescue techniques, the use of rescue equipment, and how to teach the ice rescue course to others within their department Contact: Dive Rescue Inc./International, (800) 2 18DIVE.