May 14-15—The Meadowood County (N.H.) Area Fire Department’s SEMIANNUAL FIRE SCHOOL will be held at its training center in Fitzwilliam, N.H. Oneand two-day rescue and fire courses will be offered, most from the NFPA 1001 curriculum. For more information, write to the Meadowood County Area Fire Department, P.O. Box 969, Keene, NH 03431-0969, or call (603) 242-3806 or (603) 352-3882.

May 16-19—”A Commitment to Excellence” is the theme of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION’S 92nd ANNUAL MEETING, held this year in Los Angeles. Member section meetings bring together individuals with similar interests and concerns; three new sections—wildfire management, research, and the lodging industry—will hold inaugural meetings and elect officers. Pre-meeting seminars, a fire safety exhibit, and technical committee reports are part of the program. Twentyfour codes and standards will be presented for adoption, including the National Fuel Gas Code. For more information, call (617) 770-3000, ext. 310.

May 16-20—The METROPOLITAN ARSON INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION will hold its 23rd Annual Fire and Explosion Investigation Seminar in Greeley, Colo. The seminar’s topics include “Automobile Fires,” “Compulsive Firesetters,” “Fire’s Effect on Building Materials,” and “Interrogation.” Each participant will have two days of field problems—both fire and explosion—to investigate, followed by a post-seminar exam. For more information, contact Metropolitan Arson Investigators Association, P.O. Box 29556, Denver, CO 80229, c/o Gil Fisher.

May 24-26—An INDUSTRIAL FIRE TRAINING COURSE will be conducted by the Ansul Fire School in Marinette, Wis. The course focuses on typical industrial hazards; classroom work includes topics such as hazard identification; extinguishing agents; and inspection and maintenance. Each student will fight all of the training fires. For more information, write to Ansul Fire Protection, One Stanton St., Marinette, WI 54143-2542, or call (715) 735-7411.

May 24-26—A CONFERENCE ON PROTECTIVE CLOTHING in Atlanta will address all aspects of today’s protective clothing manufacturing and marketing processes. It will cover the development of and applications for fibers and fabrics in fire service and chemical protection apparel, as well as nuclear and other hazardous environments. For more information, write to Clemson University, Drawer 912, Clemson, SC 29633, or call Kay James at (803) 656-2200.

June 3-5—A BUS EMERGENCY AND FIRE AND RESCUE SEMINAR will be sponsored by the Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, Fla. Among the offerings are “Handling Prison Bus Emergencies,” “The Aftermath of the Bus Accident,” “City Bus Vehicle Emergencies—Strategies and Tactics,” and “How School Buses are Manufactured.” Ronald Moore, a fire protection specialist with the New York State Academy of Fire Science, will speak on “Preparing for School Bus Emergencies.” Participation in Sunday’s extrication program will be limited to 40 people, who must bring their own protective clothing; others are invited to watch. For more information, write to Santa Fe Community College, P.O. Box 1530, Gainesville, FL 32602, or call (904) 395-5703.

June 6-8—Ansul Fire School’s PETROLEUM/CHEMICAL COURSE emphasizes the extinguishment of large propane and gasoline fires. It also addresses hazards commonly found in the petroleum, chemical, oil, and gas pipeline industries. Videotape replay will be used to critique the hands-on training on some of the fires. See May 24-26 listing for contact.

June 10-12—The 11TH ANNUAL PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CONFERENCE will address basic and advanced life support, ambulance management, and rescue in its educational sessions. The conference, which will be held in Harrisburg, is cosponsored by the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Write to the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council, 3425 Simpson Ferry Rd., Camp Hill, PA 17011, or call (717) 763-4678.

June 10-12—A DIVE RESCUE SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION COURSE, featuring classroom, pool, and open water sessions, will be held in Seymour, Conn. The course is open to all active emergency service and law enforcement personnel. For more information, write to Russ Hehn, 1081 New Haven Rd., Naugatuck, CT 06770, or call (203) 723-2491; or write to Bob Maciejko, 14 Rimmondale Rd., Seymour, CT 06483, or call (203) 888-6448.

June 14-16—The fifth annual HAZARDOUS-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION (HAZMAT ’88), organized by Tower Conference Management Co., will be held in the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, N.J. The conference will feature 30 lecture sessions and nine workshops on topics related to handling hazardous-materials incidents. Contact Robert L. Myhelic, Vice President, Tower Conference Management Co., 331 W. Wesley St., Wheaton, 1L 60187; telephone (312) 668-8100.

June 15-18—The International Fire Photographers Association’s 25TH ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE offers seminars on photographer safety on the fireground, arson photography, photography for publications and publicity, copyright laws, and apparatus photography. The conference, held at the Fairfax (Va.) County Fire & Rescue Academy, will conclude with a multicasualty incident drill demonstration. For more information, contact the International Fire Photographers Association, 1FPA Training Conference 1988, P.O. Box 201, Elmhurst, IL 60126.

July 28-29—Oklahoma State University—Technical Branch will sponsor a two-day seminar on the USE OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN THE FIRE SERVICE. Introductory and advanced courses are offered; proper use of computer software and hardware will be demonstrated. For more information on sign-up and accommodations, contact: Judy Determan, OSU Technical Branch, 900 N. Portland, Oklahoma City, OK 73107; telephone (405) 945-3208.

November 1-3—FIRE ASIA ’88 provides a marketplace for visitors to view equipment and services for the prevention, detection, and extinguishment of fires. The exhibition, which will be held in Singapore, is organized by Unisaf Publications Ltd. It coincides with two events sponsored by the Singapore branch of the Institution of Fire Engineers: the 15th General Conference of the International Fire Chiefs Association of Asia, and the South East Asian and Pacific Fire Safety Conference. Contact Stephen Kennedy or Jacquie Palmer, Fire Asia ’88, Queensway House, 2 Queensway, Redhill, Surrey RH1 IQS, England; telephone 44 (0) 737-768611.

Fire Engineering wants its readers to know about upcoming conferences and training courses. Submissions should be sent at least two months in advance of the event and should include as much information about seminar topics, speakers, and locations as possible. Please also include a daytime phone number. Send the information to: Tom Brennan, Fire Engineering, 250 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10001.

Queen Anne fatal mobile home fire

Two Dead in MD Mobile Home Fire

A mother and son were found dead in the aftermath of a mobile home fire in Queen Anne’s County on Wednesday, according to the state…

Firefighter Who Rescued Teen from Ocean Heralds ‘Team Effort’ in Saving Life

Cannon Beach Rural Fire District firefighters rescued a boogie boarder who was pulled out to sea Monday.