Coming Events
Mar. 24-27—Fire Department Instructor’s Conference. Annual meeting, Memphis, Tenn. For further information contact Ed McCormack, Executive Secretary, International Society of Fire Service Instructors, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748.
April 15-18, Southwestern Division, IAFC.Albuquerque, N.M. For further information contact Chief Wallace A. Bearor, Fire Headquarters, 505 N. Third St., Temple, Tex. 76501.
June 4-7, Eastern Division, IAFC. Annual meeting, Hempstead, N.Y. For further information, contact Chief Gregory Turrell, 28 Nottingham Road, Malvern, N.Y. 11565.
June 7-12—Southeastern Division, IAFC.Annual meeting, Omni International Hotel, Norfolk, Va. For information write Chief David A. MacLellan, Secretary-Treasurer, Sea PinesForest Beach Fire Department, P.O. Box 5193, Hilton Head, S.C. 29928.
June 15-18—New York State Association of Fire Chiefs: Annual conference, Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. For further information contact Ward A. Bohner, Executive Director, 8 Van Buren Drive, Kinderhook, N.Y. 12106.
June 18-21—Midwest Section of the International Municipal Signal Association. Annual Conference, Hopkins, Minn. For further information contact Lee M. Cooper, President, Midwest Section I.M.S.A., 1010 First St. So., Hopkins, Minn. 55343.
June 22-25, New England Association of Fire Chiefs,58th Annual Conference, Dunfey’s Hyannis Resort, Hyannis, Mass. 02601. For information contact Chief James F. Brennan, 3 Mansell Parkway, Salem, Mass. 01970.
Sept. 28-Oct. 2—International Association of Fire Chiefs. Annual Conference, Miami Beach, Fla. For information, contact Donald D. Flinn, General Manager, International Association of Fire Chiefs, 132918th Street, N.W, Washington, D.C. 20036.