JUNE 18—The New England Association of Fire Chiefs is sponsoring the 2ND ANNUAL NORTHEAST REGIONAL FIREFIGHTER COMBAT CHALLENGE, which will be held in Springfield, Massachusetts. Contact: Richard K. Wehter, secretary/treasurer; New England Association of Fire Chiefs; P.O. Box 497; 10 Highview Dr.; Hingham, MA 02043.

JUNE 20-24—An INTERNATIONAL FIRE CHIEFS COURSE is being offered for the first time to U.S. Fire Chiefs at the Fire Service College at Moreton-in-Marsh, England. Sponsors include the International Association of Fire Chiefs and the NFPA. Contact: USA International Fire Chiefs Course, do IAFC; 4025 Fair Ridge Dr.; Fairfax, VA 22033-2868; tel: 011-44-608-650831.

JUNE 20-23—The International Society of Fire Service Instructors will conduct its HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT COMMANDER CERTIFICATION COURSE in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: ISFSI; 30 Main St.; Ashland, MA 01721.

JUNE 20-24-HIGH ANGLE RESCUE, a 40-hour course, will be held at Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program’s facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Contact: LSU Firemen Training Program; 6868 Nicholson Dr.; Baton Rouge, LA 70820; (504) 7660600.

JUNE 21-23—3M, Williams Fire and Hazard Control, and Emergency One are sponsoring a three-day FOAM TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP on flammable liquid firefighting. A half-day seminar on clean extinguishing agents will follow on June 24. Contact: Russ Morkrid; 3M Fire Protection Systems; Bldg. 223-6S04; 3M Center; St. Paul, MN 55144; (612) 737-4019

JUNE 23-26-ARKANSAS FIREBALL ’94, a joint convention of the Arkansas Association of Fire Chiefs and the Arkansas State Firefighter’s Association, will be held in Texarkana, Arkansas. Contact: Joe Coker or Jim Gates at (501)886-6631.

JUNE 23-26—The Michigan State Firemen’s Association will meet in Adrian, Michigan, for its 119th annual conference. Ronnie Coleman (California state fire marshal) will be the keynote speaker; Waterbury (CT) Fire Chief Tom Brennan, technical director of Fire Engineering, will conduct a seminar on fireground control. Contact: Edwin Aymer, (517) 8723007 or (517) 69.3-6076.

JUNE 25 AND JUNE 26—The l ire Department Safety Officers Association’s guide to understanding the safety officer’s incident duties. PREPARING THE FIRE GROUND SAFETY OFFICER, will be held in Toronto, Ontario, and Cleveland, Ohio, on these dates, respectively. Contact: FDSOA; P.O. Box 149; Ashland, MA 01721-0149; (508) 881-31 14.

JUNE 26-29—The Phoenix Fire Department is sponsoring a HEALTH, FITNESS, AND SAFETY SYMPOSIUM. It will be held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. Contact: Phoenix Fire Department; Symposium Registration; 520 W. Van Buren St.; Phoenix, A/, 85003; (602) 5.342169.

JUNE 27-28—’The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) will hold a TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON HALON ALTERNATIVES at the University of Tennessee Conference Center in Knoxville. Contact: SFPE; I Liberty Square; Boston, MA 02109-4825; (617) 482-0686; fax, (617) 482-8184.

JULY 11-15—Corpus Christi, Texas, will be the site of RESCUE I—BASIC CONFINED SPACE/STRUCTURAL RESCUE, a 40-hour course sponsored by Roto, an industrial rescue and equipment company. Contact: Roco; 8254 One Calais Ave., Suite 240; Baton Rouge, LA 708093450; (800) 647-7626.

JULY 12-13-—Oregon City, Oregon, will be the site of RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS: EVOLUTION, APPLICATION AND STRATEGIES FOR ADOPTION, sponsored by the United States Fire Administration and conducted on its behalf by the International Association of Fire Chiefs/Operation Life Safety Program with assistance from the National Fire Sprinkler Association and the National Fire Protection Association. Contact: Dana Jarvis Bles, Operation Life Safety, (703) 273-0911, ext. 319.

Fatal Queens fire

Three Killed in Queens (NY) Fire

Three people were killed by a fire that ripped through a Queens home early Sunday, officials said.
New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.