OCTOBER 14-16—The 1990 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT will be held by the National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management in San Antonio. Texas. The focus is on earthquake, chemical explosion, and phone blackout case studies; legislative issues; and local standards. Contact: NCCEM headquarters, (703) 533-7672.

OCTOBER 15-18-AIRCRAFT INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SEMINAR will be held in Houston, Texas by Williams Training Associates. Contact: Larry E. Williams, (901) 757-2609.

OCTOBER 18-22—A five-day short course on HAZARD I will be held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. HAZARD I is a collection of eight state-of-the-art computer programs that allow simulation of various fire situations and complications. Contact: Jonathan Barnett, Center for Firesafety Studies, WPI, Worcester, MA 01609, (508) 8315113-

OCTOBER 23-24 — A two-day workshop, LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF CHEMICAL RISKS, is being offered at Tufts University’s Medford, Mass, campus for local community officials. Contact: Tufts Center for Environmental Management, (617) 381-3531.

OCTOBER 23-25 —The Safety Systems Emergency Response Schools is sponsoring GASES & VAPORS EMERGENCIES, a three-day instruction, in Orlando, Florida. Classroom studies, demonstrations, and hands-on training. Contact: (904) 963-3100.

OCTOBER 29,30-STRATEGY AND TACTICS will be taught by John Mittendorf, battalion chief with the Los Angeles City Fire Department, in Tracy, California. Contact: Fire Technolog Services, 22422 Sunlight Creek, El Toro, CA 92630, (714) 583-1914.

NOVEMBER 7-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE INFECTION CONTROL: ISSUES AND ANSWERS FOR FlRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL, a teleconference, will be held from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time by VF1S, USFA, NFA, American Ambulance Assoc., and Nat’l Assoc, of Emergency Medical Technicians. Available through Westar 5 System. Transponder 12 Cross, Channel 24, and audio frequency 6 2-6.8 MHZ. Contact: Tamela Monroe and Ray Hawkins, (800) 632-1884 in Pa. or (800) 233-1957 elsewhere.

NOVEMBER 13-15 —The New England Consortium is sponsoring an EMERGENCY RESPONDERS 24 HOUR BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COURSE in Augusta, ME. The course meets OSHA requirements for operations-level emergency responders to hazardous substances releases. Contact: Helen Butler of the Work Environment Laboratory, University of Lowell. Lowell, MA 01854, (508) 934-3257.

Steve Shaw and DJ Stone

Perspectives on Leadership: Navigating Leadership, Standards, and Innovation in the Fire Service

Steve Shaw speaks with guest DJ Stone about the transformative power of mentorship, the importance of community relationships, and the evolving standards within the fire…
LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.