OCTOBER 14-16—The 1990 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT will be held by the National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management in San Antonio. Texas. The focus is on earthquake, chemical explosion, and phone blackout case studies; legislative issues; and local standards. Contact: NCCEM headquarters, (703) 533-7672.
OCTOBER 15-18-AIRCRAFT INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SEMINAR will be held in Houston, Texas by Williams Training Associates. Contact: Larry E. Williams, (901) 757-2609.
OCTOBER 18-22—A five-day short course on HAZARD I will be held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. HAZARD I is a collection of eight state-of-the-art computer programs that allow simulation of various fire situations and complications. Contact: Jonathan Barnett, Center for Firesafety Studies, WPI, Worcester, MA 01609, (508) 8315113-
OCTOBER 23-24 — A two-day workshop, LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF CHEMICAL RISKS, is being offered at Tufts University’s Medford, Mass, campus for local community officials. Contact: Tufts Center for Environmental Management, (617) 381-3531.
OCTOBER 23-25 —The Safety Systems Emergency Response Schools is sponsoring GASES & VAPORS EMERGENCIES, a three-day instruction, in Orlando, Florida. Classroom studies, demonstrations, and hands-on training. Contact: (904) 963-3100.
OCTOBER 29,30-STRATEGY AND TACTICS will be taught by John Mittendorf, battalion chief with the Los Angeles City Fire Department, in Tracy, California. Contact: Fire Technolog Services, 22422 Sunlight Creek, El Toro, CA 92630, (714) 583-1914.
NOVEMBER 7-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE INFECTION CONTROL: ISSUES AND ANSWERS FOR FlRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL, a teleconference, will be held from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time by VF1S, USFA, NFA, American Ambulance Assoc., and Nat’l Assoc, of Emergency Medical Technicians. Available through Westar 5 System. Transponder 12 Cross, Channel 24, and audio frequency 6 2-6.8 MHZ. Contact: Tamela Monroe and Ray Hawkins, (800) 632-1884 in Pa. or (800) 233-1957 elsewhere.
NOVEMBER 13-15 —The New England Consortium is sponsoring an EMERGENCY RESPONDERS 24 HOUR BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COURSE in Augusta, ME. The course meets OSHA requirements for operations-level emergency responders to hazardous substances releases. Contact: Helen Butler of the Work Environment Laboratory, University of Lowell. Lowell, MA 01854, (508) 934-3257.