JULY 12-13—Oregon City, Oregon, is the site of RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS: EVOLUTION, APPLICATION AND STRATEGIES FOR ADOPTION, sponsored by the United States Fire Administration and conducted on its behalf by the International Association of Fire Chiefs/Operation Life Safety Program with assistance from the National Fire Sprinkler Association and the National Fire Protection Association. Contact: Dana Jarvis Bles, Operation Life Safety; (703)273-0911,ext. 319.

JULY 15-17—Ten regional organizations are sponsoring the SEVENTH ANNUAL PITTSBURGH FlRERESCUE AND EMS EXPO in Monroeville, Pennsylvania Contact: Sonny Chick; Kelly Simon Productions; 1600 Ranch Dr.; Latrobe, PA 15650; (412)539-2800.

JULY 18-22 Corpus Christi, Texas, is the site ot RESCUE II-ADVANCED CONHNED SPACE/STRUCTURAl RESCUE, a 40-hour course sponsored by Roco, an industrial rescue and equipment company. Contact: Roco; 8254 One Calais Ave., Suite 240; Baton Rouge, I.A 708093450; (8(H)) 647-7626.

JULY 25-26 Creative Design Seminars Inc. will present a seminar, WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT UPDATED NFPA STANDARDS 14, 20, AND 24, in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact: Creative IX-sign Seminars (708) 459-2747 (phone/fax).

AUGUST 4-6 Tile Phoenix Fire De|xirtment is s|X«isoring an IMAGING AND EDUCATION SYMPO- SIUM. It will focus on public relations and will be held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. Contact: Phoenix Fire Department; Symposium Registration; 520 W. Van Buren St.; Phoenix, AZ 85003; (602) 534-2169.

AUGUSY 8-9—ERASE Enterprises will hold a Structural Collapse Rescue Curriculum in Denver, Colorado. John P. O’Connell, one of Eire Engineering’s editorial advisory board members, will be one of the instructors. Contact: ERASE Enterprises at (800) 3727330.

AUGUST 13—Rescue/Hazmat Consultants will conduct a BUS RESCUE SEMINAR in Waco, Texas. Contact: Rescue/Hazmat Consultants; P.O. Box 20126; Waco, TX 76702-0126; (8(H)) 433-3402.

AUGUST 19-22-FIREPRO Institute Ltd. is now offering courses on the MEASUREMENT Of BUILDING FIRESAEETY that teach the use of LimitFire Method'” (L-Curve) techniques. Contact: FIREPRO Institute Ltd.; Postal Box 600; Putney, VT 05346-0600; (802) 387-5600, fax (802) 387-4419.

AUGUST 20-21 —The Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Fire/Rescue Association Inc. is holding the 58TH ANNUAL MONROE FlRE SCHOOL in Monroe, Wisconsin. Contact: SWN1 Fire/Rescue Association; P.O. Box 135; Deerfield, IL 60015; (708) 9450544.


JULY 23-26 Thi MISSOURI VAUIY ASSSOOATION of FIRE CHIEFS ANNUAL CONFERENCE will take place in Overland Park, Kansas. Contact: William Jahnke; Overland Park Fire Department; 9550 W. 95th St.; Overland Park, KS 66212-5062.

AUGUST 2-5 THE NATIONAL FIRE, ARSON, AND EXPLOSION INVESTIGATION TRAINING PROGRAMS, sponsored by the National Association of Fire Investigators and the National Fire Protection Association, will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois. Contact: The National Association of Fire Investigators; P.O. Box 957257; Hoffman Estates, IL 60195; (312)427-6320.

AUGUST 27-31—The International Association of Fire Chiefs is sponsoring FKE-RESCUE INTERNATIONAL 94 conference and exhibition, to be held in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: IAFC; 4025 l air Ridge Dr.; Fairfax, VA 22033-2868; or call the IAFC conference department at (703) 273-0911, ext. 340.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.