OCTOBER 27-29—EMERGENCY RESPONSE & MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION: Meadowlands Convention Center, Secaueus. New Jersey. Organizer/Manager: Samanna Expositions, Inc., Westport, Connecticut. Contact: Arthur O. Kerley, The Fairfield Factor Inc. at (203) 775-0422, fax (203) 740-8638.
OCTOBER 31-N0VEMBER 3—INTERNATIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILLS CONFERENCE: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, New York. Sponsor: New York State Emergency Management Office (NYSEMO). Contact: Cindy Allen. NYSEMO, Training Section, Bldg. 22, Harriman Office Campus, Albany, NY 12226-5000,(518)457-9987.
NOVEMBER 4-6—SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFETY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION AND FIRE & RESCUE TRAINING INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI: Sheraton Hotel at Westport Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri. Fee $295 nonmembers. $195 FDSOA members. Contact: FDSOA at (508) 881-31 14, fax (508) 881-1128.
NOVEMBER 10-13—THE FIRST NATIONAL FIRE OFFICER’S RETREAT: SIMPLIFYING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE: Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Sponsor: Fire Officers Associations. More than 35 seminars and workshops. Fee: preconference seminar only—$99 nonmember, $49 member (applies to 1SFSI, FDSOA, FI PA, FOA, IFEMTA, HMTEA, and PEEA); conference only—$295 nonmember, $195 member; pre-conference/conference—$344 nonmember, $219 member. Contact: FOA at (508) 881-5800, (800) 435-0005 (credit card registration only), fax (508) 881-6829.
NOVEMBER 18-20—7TH ANNUAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SYMPOSIUM: Hampton, Virginia. Sponsor: Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Programs. Fee: $1 10. Contact: Barbara Barwick at (804) 5274236.
OCTOBER 17-21—CONFINED-SPACE RESCUE (40 hours). Sponsor: Fire Protection Training Div. of the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). Contact: Ruth McMullan, TEEX, (409) 845-3069.
OCTOBER 18-19—BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SEMINAR by Francis L. Brannigan, author of Building Construction for the Fire Service and Fire Engineering editorial advisory board member. Contact: Del Ulreich at (708) 870-5600.
OCTOBER 21-24—MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING FIRESAFETY: HOW TO USE THE PROVEN LIMITFIRE METHOD™ (L-CURVE) TECHNIQUES (30 hours), Minneapolis. Minnesota. Fee: $795 nonmembers, $695 members. Sponsor: FIREPRO Institute Ltd., Putney, Vermont. Contact: FIREPRO at (802)-387-5600; fax: (802) 387-4419.
OCTOBER 24—PRE-HOSPITAL BURN LIFE SUPPORT COURSE: Torrance (CA) Memorial Burn Center. Sponsors: National Burn Institute and Torrance Memorial Burn Center. Endorsed by Los Angeles County and Torrance fire departments. $75 fee includes tuition, manual, test, and continuing education credits. Contact: Laurie Lundberg at (310) 517-4605, ext. 7607.
OCTOBER 24-28—RESCUE l-BASIC CONFINED SPACE/STRUCTURAL RESCUE (40 hours): Beaumont. Texas. Sponsor: Roco Rescue. Fee: $525. Contact: Roco at (800) 647-7626.
OCTOBER 31 -NOVEMBER 4—RESCUE IIADVANCED CONFINED SPACE/STRUCTURAL RESCUE (40 hours): Beaumont. Texas. Sponsor: Roco Rescue. Fee: $575. Prerequisite: Rescue I. Contact: Roco at (800) 647-7626.
NOVEMBER 2—NFPA 1500: CHAPTER 8 (MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL) TELECONFERENCE: 8 to 10 p.m. EST. Broadcast from the Glatfelter Insurance Group Complex, York, Pennsylvania. using technical staff of Public Broadcasting Station WITF, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, through C-Band satellite. Galaxy 6. Channel 19. Transponder 19. 74° West. Sponsor: Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance Services, Inc. Question-and-answer segment for telephone call-ins, audience participation. Taping encouraged. Contact: Tamela Bourne or Scott Davidson at (800) 2331957.
NOVEMBER 3-5—FIFTH ANNUAL FIRE OFFICERS DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR: the Sparks Nugget, Sparks, Nevada. Sponsor: Nevada Fire Chiefs Association. Contact: Sparks (NV) Fire Department at (702) 353-2255 or Chief Lou Buckley, Carson City (NV) Fire Department at (702) 887-2210..
NOVEMBER 7-11—RESCUE lll-ADVANCED TEAM DEVELOPMENT (40 hours): Beaumont. Texas. Sponsor: Roco Rescue. Fee: $575. Prerequisite: Rescue II. Contact: Roco Rescue at (800) 647-7626.
NOVEMBER 10-13—MOUNTAIN MEDICINE EDUCATION ’94: Appalachian Mountain Club. Pinkham Notch, Gorham, New Hampshire. All levels EMT (26 credits), RNs – waiting credits. Contact: Alfred E. Sculthorpe, registrar. MME, Inc. at (508) 829-6385.
NOVEMBER 12—HILLSBOROUGH TOWNSHIP VOLUNTEER FIRE CO., NO. 3 FOURTH ANNUAL SEMINAR: “SPECIALIZED RESCUE AND COMMERCIAL FIRES.” Fee: $45. (includes lunch). Contact: Bob Knoke at (908) 359-0480 or Brian Brounlie at (908) 359-6401.