Coming Events
Sept. 7-10—1980 Missouri Seminar for Arson Investigators, Lake Ozark, Mo. For further information contact Ms. Freddy Randolph, 344 Hearnes, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo. 65211.
Sept. 10-12—New England Association of Fire Marshals, 21st annual seminar, Public Fire Education, Mystic, Conn. For further information,contact C. F. Duffy, Secretary, 11 Wakenor Road, Westport, Conn. 06880.
Sept. 11-14—Arizona State Fire School, 7th annual seminar, The Adams Hotel, Phoenix, Az. For information, contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal, P.O. Box 19070, Phoenix, Az.
Sept. 12-14—“Para-Scope 80,” Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, Md. For information, contact Capt. Mary Beth Michos, R.N., Dept. of Fire/ Rescue Services, 10025 Darnestown Rd, No. 101, Rockville, Md. 20850.
Sept. 13-14—1980 Beaver County, Pa. Fire School, Beaver, Falls, Pa. For additional information contact the Beaver County Fire School, 113 Warwick Drive Center Twp., Monaca, Pa. 15061.
Sept. 13-14—York County Fire Attack School, sanford Me. For further information contact James Simeoni, Chief, Alfred Fire Department, Oak St., Alfred Me. 04002.
Sept. 19-21—1980 Convention at Windsor,business meetings and parade. For further information contact the Convention Committee, P.O. Box 411, Windsor, Conn. 06095.
Sept. 24-27—Fire Command School and Fire Chiefs Conference, Heritage Inn, Great Falls, Mont. For further information, contact the Montana Fire Services Training School, 2100 16th Avenue South, Great Falls, Montana 59405.
Sept. 27-28—Fire and Rescue Conference, Craven Community College, New Bern, N.C. For information, contact Dr. Lewis S. Redd, Craven Community College, P.O. Box 885, New Bern, N.C. 28560.
Sept. 28—Oct. 1—International Association of Fire Chiefs. Annual Conference, Miami Beach, Fla. For information, contact Donald D. Flinn, General Manager, International Association of Fire Chiefs, 1329-18th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
Oct. 5-8—Flammability in Building and Construction…Today and Tomorrow, sponsored by the Society of Plastics Engineeers and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association, Ponte Vedra Beach, FI. For more information contact the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association, 265 Post Road West, Westport, Conn. 06880.
Oct. 6-10—11th Annual Aircraft Crash/Fire Rescue School, Great Falls International Airport, Mont. For further information contact Montana Fire Services Training School, 2100 16th Ave. South, Great Falls, Mont. 59405.
Oct. 11—Second Annual Fire Exposition, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. For information write to the United States Air Force, Base Public Affairs Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433.
Oct. 17-19—Illinois Firemen’s Association Inc.,90th annual conference, Collinsville, Ill. For further information, contact O. E. Hirst, Secretary, 100 S. Bench St., Galena, Ill. 61036.
Oct. 25-26—Connecticut Fire Department Instructor’s Association, 2-day seminar featuring workshops, Maloney High School, Meriden, Conn. For more information contact Pete Mullen, Secretary, Conn. Fire Department Instructor’s Association, Branford Fire Headquarters, 45 North Main St., Branford, Conn. 06405.
Oct. 30—Nov. 2—ISFSI Fall Conference, Virginia Beach, Va. For information, contact Mary McCormack, ISFSI. P.O. Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748.
Nov. 15-16—1980 GAEMS Conference, Albany, Ga. For more information contact C. B. Gillespie. M.D., Course Director, 810 14th Ave., Albany, Ga. 31701.