DEPARTMENT, a teleconference presented by the Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance Services, Inc., in cooperation with members of the National Fire Service Incident Management Consortium, will be broadcast at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The program, available to anyone with a movable dish satellite, will be broadcast through WITF (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) through the C-Band Satellite-Galaxy 7, Channel 5. Contact: Tamela Bourne or Scott Davidson at VFIS, (8(X)) 233-1957.

APRIL 16-23—A seven-day seminar on ROPE WORK, sponsored by Rigging for Rescue, will Lx* conducted in Wilmer, British Columbia. Contact: Rigging for Rescue; the technical ropework seminar; P.O. Box 399; Invermere, British Columbia, (Canada VOA 1KO; (604) 342-6042.

APRIL 17-20 -Kauai, Hawaii, will be the site of the SECOND INTERNATIONAL FIRE SPRMKLER CONFERENCE, sponsored by the National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc.; P.O. Box l(XX); Patterson, NY 12563; (914) 878-4200.

APRIL 18-22—Roco is sponsoring RESCUE HI ASK CONFINED SPACE/STRUCTURAL RESCUE, a 40-hour course. It will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Contact: Roco Industrial Rescue Training and Equipment; 8254 One Calais Ave., Suite 240; Baton Rouge, LA 70809-3450.

APRIL 23—New Jersey Metro Fire Photographers will hold its 9TH ANNUAL PHOTO NlGHT at Ridgefield Park High School in Ridgefield Park, NJ. Contact: New Jersey Metro Fire Photographers at (201) 288-5197.

APRIL 25-29RESCUE II-ADVANCED CONFINED SPACE/STRUCTURAL RESCUE, a 40-hour course, will be conducted by Roco in Vancouver, British Columbia. Contact: Roco Industrial Rescue Training and Equipment; 8254 One (Calais Ave., Suite 240; Baton Rouge, LA 70809.3450.

APRIL 25-29 AND MAY 2-6 AIRCRAFT RESCUE FIREFIGHTING I AND II, 40-hour courses to lx held on these respective dates, are being s|x)nsored by the Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program. Contact: LSU; Firemen Training Program; 6868 Nicholson Dr.; Baton Rouge, LA 70820; (504) 766-0600.

Fin Engineering editorial advisory board member Francis L. Brannigan, author of Building Construction for the Fire Service, will be presenting a series of seminars on BUILDING CONSTRUCTION in the coming months.

MAY 15


National Fire Protection Association Prv-CxMileretHr Info: (8)) 344-3555

MAY 21-22


Fin Academy Justice Institute Infix Paul Smith, (604) 222-36,30.


Douglas City Fin* District #2 Infix Qiid Mike I lanson, (503) 673-7876

tacoma (wa) firing range

One Killed, Another Injured in Fire at Indoor Shooting Range in Tacoma (WA)

One person was killed and another injured after fire broke out at an indoor shooting range in Tacoma on Sunday.
Deadly Kentucky flooding

Winter Storm Kills Nine, Including Eight in KY Flooding

Eight people in Kentucky died as creeks swelled from heavy rain and water covered roads.