Coming Events
Sept. 28-Oct. 1—The International Society of Fire Service Instructors: Fall conference to be held in Sioux Falls, S.D. For further information, contact Ed McCormack, Sec., ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748.
Oct. 2-5—National Safety Council: 66th Annual National Safety Congress and Exposition, to be held at the Conrad Hilton and Palmer House Hotels, Chicago, Ill. Advance registration is advised. For further information, contact the National Safety Council, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611.
Oct. 13-15—The National Association of Fire Science: Fall conference to be held in the Old City, Alexandria, Va. The conference will be on “Higher Education and the Fire Service: A Future View”. A series of speakers and workshops will be held regarding the current state of the art in higher education and the fire service. Visists are also planned to the Marjory Webster Campus of the National Fire Academy and the National Bureau of Standards. For further information, contact Mr. Salvatore Sansone, 13 Fruitwood Lane, Commack, N. Y. 11725.
Oct. 23-25—National Fire Prevention and Control Administration: 4th Annual Conference to be held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Wash. The theme of the conference is “Life Safety”. The conference registration fee is $75.00, which includes three lunches, two dinners, conference materials, and summary proceedings. For further information, contact Peg Maloy, National Fire Conference, NFPCA, U. S. Dept, of Commerce, P. O. Box 19518, Washington, D. C. 20036.
Nov. 13-16—National Fire Protection Association: Fall meeting, Hyatt Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For information, write Albert B. Sears, Jr., Manager, Meeting and Conference Services, NFPA, 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. 02210.
Nov. 19—Maryland Fire Chiefs Association: 30th Annual Convention to be held at the Fire House in Frederick, Md. For further information, contact the Maryland Fire Chiefs Association. Frederick, Md. 25701.