DECEMBER 5-MARCH 20-The Chemung County Historical Society will exhibit “SOUND THE ALARM! THE HISTORY OF FIREFIGHTING IN CHEMUNG COUNTY” at its museum in Elmira, New York. Contact: Constance B. Barone, The Chemung County Historical Society, 415 E. Water St., Elmira, NY 14901; (607) 734-4167.
JANUARY 9-The Fire Department Safety Officers Association presents PREPARING THE GROUND SAFETY OFFICER, a guide to understanding the safety officer’s incident duties, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Contact: Fire Department Safety Officer’s Association, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721-0149; (508) 881-3114, fax (508) 881-6829.
JANUARY 10-15—The Florida Chapter of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors presents the 1993 FLORIDA TRAINING IMPROVEMENT CONFERENCE-“FACING THE CHALLENGE,” featuring seminars, workshops, and a general session, in Orlando, Florida. Contact: Florida Training Improvement Conference, P.O. Box 574251, Orlando, FL 32857; (813) 749-0496.
JANUARY 15-16,22-23, 29-30-ICE RESCUE TRAINER, a two-day program that teaches students to instruct their teammates in the latest ice rescue techniques, will be held, and JANUARY 17, 24, 31-ICE TECH ’93, a one-day training program that gives students hands-on experience with the latest icerescue equipment, will be held. Both programs are sponsored by Dive Rescue Inc./International. Contact: Dive Rescue Inc., Education Department, 201 N. Link Lane, Ft. Collins, CO 80524-2712; (800) 248-3483).
FEBRUARY 1-3—The Fire Department Safety Officers Association will sponsor its fifth annual APPARATUS SPECIFICATIONS & VEHI- CLE MAINTENANCE SYMPOSIUM in Orlando, Florida. Contact: Fire Department Safety Officers Association, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA, 01721-0149; (508) 881-3114.
FEBRUARY 5-7-12TH ANNUAL WINTER FIRE SCHOOL AND EQUIPMENT EXPOSITION, the largest equipment symposium in the Midwest, will be hosted by the University of Missouri Extension Division Fire and Rescue Training Institute in Columbia, Missouri. Contact: Fire and Rescue Training Institute, University of Missouri Extension, 205 Lewis Hall, Columbia, MO 65211-5178; (314) 882-4735.
FEBRUARY 25-28—The Florida Emergency Medicine Foundation is sponsoring an INTERNATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE in Orlando, Florida. The conference will feature lessons learned from Hurricanes Andrew and Hugo. Contact: Disaster ’93 registrar, (800) 766-6335 or (407) 281-7396.