Coming Events
August 4-6—Vermont State Firefighters Association—89th Annual conference will be held in Barre, Vermont. For further information, contact Howard C. Dailey, Sec.-Treas., Vermont State Firefighters’ Association, Box 670, Manchester Center, Vermont 05255.
Aug. 4-7—The Fire Fighters Association of Ontario: 77th Annual Meeting, hosted by the Aurora Volunteer Fire Department. For further information, contact Fred J. Bolsby, Public Relations Chairman, The P’ire Fighters Association of Ontario, 49 Mosley Street, Aurora, Ontario Canada.
Aug. 7-11—Virginia State Fireman’s Association: 92nd Annual Convention, hosted by the Covington Fire Department. For further information, contact Gerald D. Burks, Chief, Covington Fire Department, Covington, Va. 24426.
Aug. 13-16—Western Division: International Association of Fire Chiefs: Annual Conference, Las Vegas. Headquarters will be the Sahara Hotel. For further information, contact M. Rodriguez, Sec.-Treas., P.O. Box 842, San Leandro, Calif. 94577.
Aug. 17-19—Indiana Fire Chiefs Association—Annual Conference to be held at the Mariott Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. For further information, contact Chief W. Patterson or Chief H. Richard Harrigan, Sec., P.O. Box 583, Hobart, Ind. 46342.
Aug. 20-24 —Canadian Division: International Association of Fire Chiefs. Annual Conference to be held at the Regina Inn, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada. For further information, contact Louis Yanko, Fire Chief, Osier Street and 11th Ave, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada S4P OH4.
Aug. 23-26—Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers, Inc.: 44th Annual National Conference to be held at the Plaza Hotel, Renaissance Center, Detroit, Mich. For further information, contact Sgt. Russell V. Robinson, Detroit Police Department, 1300 Beaubien, Detroit, Mich. 48226.
Sept. 9—New Jersey State Exempt Firemen’s Association: Convention and Parade. For further information, contact The Woodbridge Exempt Firemen’s Association, P.O. Box 584, W’oodbridge, N.J. 07095.
Sept. 10-15—International Association of Fire Chiefs: Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. For further information, contact Donald D. Flinn, General Manager, IAFC, 1329 18th Street, N.W. W’ashington, D.C. 200.%.
Sept. 19-21—Brintex Exhibitions Limited: Exhibition on Firefightingand Prevention to be held in Devonshire Park, Eastbourne. For further information, contact F. M. Blake, Brintex Exhibitions Ltd., 178-202 Great Portland Street, London WIN 6NH.
Sept. 21-22—The Illinois Fire Inspectors Association: Seminar on Code Enforcement, open to all Fire Inspectors and others interested in Code Enforcement. The Seminar will be held at the Glen Ellyn Campus of Lewis University, Glen Ellyn, Ill. For further information, contact Richard J. Keyworth, Pres., Richard J. Keyworth & Associates, 7N660 Rohlwing Rd., P.O. Box 169, Itasca, Ill. 60143.
Sept. 28-Oct. 1—The International Society of Fire Service Instructors: Fall Conference to be held in Sioux Falls, S.D. For further information, contact Ed McCormack, Sec., ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748.
Oct. 23-25—National Fire Prevention and Control Administration: 4th Annual Conference to be held in the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Wash. The theme of the conference is ‘‘Life Safety”. Registration fee of $75.00 includes three lunches, two dinners, conference materials, and summary proceedings. For further information, contact Peg Maloy, NFPCA, P.O. Box 19518, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Nov. 13-16—National Fire Protection Association. Fall meeting, Hyatt Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For information, write Albert B. Sears, Jr., Manager, Meeting and Conference Services, NFPA, 470 Atlantic Av., Boston, Mass. 02210.