OCTOBER 23—New Jersey State Fire College is offering a course called FIREFIGHTING OPERATIONS IN GARDEN APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES, to be held at the Naval Air Warfare Center in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Contact: New Jersey State Fire College; 6 Commerce Dr.; Cranford, NJ 07016; (908) 272-7712.
OCTOBER 25-29-HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE, a five-day, 40-hour course, will be held in College Station. Texas. It is sponsored by the Occupational and Environmental Safety Training Division of the Texas Engineering Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System. Contact: (409) 847-872.⅞.
OCTOBER 30 TRAIN THE TRAINER-OSHA BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS AND TUBERCULOSIS, a one-day course designed to prepare trainers to meet qualifications to teach bloodborne pathogens information to their staffs, is being sponsored by Infection Control/Emerging Concepts. Contact: Infection Control/Emerging Concepts; (703) 644-5032.
NOVEMBER 3—The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute is offering a course called INDUSTRIAL FALL PROTECTION AWARENESS AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, to be held at the College Park Training Academy, College Park, Maryland. Contact: MFRI-, University of Maryland; College Park. MD 20742; (301) 220-7250.
NOVEMBER 6 —Two courses, DEVELOPING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS and PRINCIPLES OF VEHICLE EXTRICATION, will be offered bv New Jersey State Fire College at the Monmouth County Fire Academy in Freehold, New Jersey. Contact: New Jersey State Fire College; 6 Commerce Dr.; Cranford, NJ 07016; (908) 272-7712.
NOVEMBER 13 — New’ Jersey State Fire College will conduct a course titled FlRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS IN MALLS AND SHOPPING CENTERS at the Military Ocean Terminal in Bayonne, Newjersey. Contact: New Jersey State Fire College; (908) 272-7712.
NOVEMBER 13 AND NOVEMBER 14-The Fire Department Safety Officers Association is sponsoring a course called PREPARING THE FIRE GROUND SAFETY OFFICER, held in San jose and San Diego, California, respectively. Contact: FDSOA; P.O. Box 149; Ashland, MA 01721-0149; (508) 881-3114.
NOVEMBER 15-20—The International Society of Fire Service Instructors is presenting TRAIN THE TRAINER, for certification to hazardous materials first responder awareness and operations levels. It will be held in Kansas City, Missouri. Contact: ISFSI; 30 Main St.; Ashland, MA 01721; (508) 881-5800.