NOVEMBER 1-5 — The National Safety Council’s 80TH ANNUAL CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Sessions offered include AIDS, Americans with Disabilities Act, loss control management, and disaster response and crisis management. Also, a National Symposium on Ergonomics, addressing the problem of repetitive work place injuries, will be held November 5-6 at the Orange County Civic Center. Contact: National Safety Council; Registration and Housing Office c/o ITS; 104 Wilmot Rd., Suite 300; P.O. Box 825; Deerfield. II. 60015-0825.
NOVEMBER 10-12-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION WEST/FALL, sponsored by Haz-Mat World, will be held in Beach, California, at the Long Beach Convention Center. More than 700 exhibit booths, 25 workshops, and 25 plenary sessions are featured. Contact: Tower Conference Management Co., 800 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. E -Suite 408. Glen Ellyn, II. 60137-5835, (708) 469-3373.
NOVEMBER 10-12—The Nevada Fire Chiefs Association is sponsoring the FlRE OFFICER DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE-1992DOING MORE WITH LESS IN THE 1990S, to be held in Reno, Nevada. Contact: Kathleen Kielty, Conference Coordinator, l ire Officer Development Seminar, c/o Reno Fire Department, 200 Evans Ave., Reno, NV 90501, (702) 334-2300.
NOVEMBER 16-17—The NATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL ON EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (NCCEM) ANNUAL CONFERENCE win be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Conference topics include the Chicago flood, future forces and world trends affecting emergency management, and updates on the certification program. Exhibitors target the emergency/disaster management community. Contact: NCCEM; 7297 Lee Highway, Suite N; Falls Church, VA 22042; (703) 533-7672.
NOVEMBER 17-DEVELOPING PLANS FOR AND PREVENTING CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES: COMPLYING WITH EPA AND 0SHA REGULATIONS, a seminar sponsored by the American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, will Inheld in San Antonio, Texas. Contact: American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management; 900 Isom IUL, Suite 103; San Antonio, TX 78216; (800) 729-6742 or (512) 3407775.
NOVEMBER 18-22-VERTICAL RESCUE SPECIALIST COURSE, sponsored by Troll Safety and Rescue, will be held in Austin, Texas. Contact: Linda Duncum, 1011 I Annie Oakley Trail, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 837-6983.