MARCH 11-14-The Jems 10TH EMS TODAY CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION win be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Preconference workshops, conference sessions, and an exhibit hall are offered. Contact: The Conference Corporation, P.O. Box 2400, Carlsbad, CA 92018-2400, (619) 431-8088.
MARCH 17-19—EMEX ’92 INTERNATIONAL, the second annual Emergency Management Exposition and Conference, will be held in San Francisco, California. A six-track, 39session conference program is offered. Topics include emergency management, training and testing standards, and search and rescue. Contact: EMEX ’92 Registration, 300 First Ave., Needham, MA 02194-2722, (617) 4498938.
MARCH 20-21—The fire prevention committees of Monroe, Oneida, and Onondaga counties presents their annual NEW YORK STATE FIRE AND BURN SAFETY SYMPOSIUM, to be held in Pittsford, New York. Contact: Mike Young, chairman, 4329 Brick Schoolhousc Rd., Hamlin, NY 14464, (716) 964-3047.
MARCH 26-PUNNING FOR AND PREVENTING CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES, sponsored by the American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, will be held in Dallas, Texas. Contact: Registrar, American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, 900 Isom Rd., Suite 103, San Antonio, TX 78216, (800) 729-6742 or (512) 340-7775.
MARCH 29-30—The FIRST ANNUAL FIREFIGHTERS GAMES will be held in Park City, Utah. Team events include ski racing, water hose wars, weight lifting, racquetball, and more. Contact: Wilson or Carolyn Ellis, U.S. Sports Psychology, (801) 645-7402 or Park City Fire Service, (801) 649-6706.
MARCH 30-APRIL 3—The 15TH ANNUAL CALIFORNIA FIRE INSTRUCTORS WORKSHOP, presented by the California Fire Instructors, will be held in San Jose, California. Planned are more than 20 lectures, 100 afternoon workshops, 150,000 square feet of exhibits, and more. Contact: Workshop ’92, P.O. Box 713110, Santee, CA 92071, (619) 448-3648.
APRIL 11-15—The FIRE DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS CONFERENCE, sponsored bv the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI), will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact: ISFSI, 30 Main St., Ashland, MA 01721, (508) 881-5800.
APRIL 13-17—The California Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Mechanics Division, will hold its 22ND ANNUAL FIRE MECHANICS ACADEMY in Santa Ana, California. Contact: Fire Mechanics Academy, (916) 846-5859 or CFMA, c/o Susan Porter, P.O. Box 1040, Gridley, CA 95948.
APRIL 21-23—The 7TH ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD EXPOSITION, to be held in Houston, Texas, features exhibits, workshops, demonstrations, specialty programs, and more. Contact: Industrial Fire World, (409) 693-7105.
APRIL 21-25—The South Tech Fire Academy presents EXTRICATION ’92, SOUTHEAST U.S. REGIONAL COMPETITION AND WORKSHOPS, to beheld in West Palm Beach. Florida. Contact: Extrication ’92, 2711 Starwood Circle, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, (407) 964-1407.
APRIL 29—The FOURTH ANNUAL NATIONAL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICE DINNER, benefiting the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI), will be held in Washington, D.C. Contact: Karen Cook, CFSI, (202) 371-1277.
APRIL 29-30—The Public Safety Institute is hosting the 4TH ANNUAL FlRE OFFICER DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii. The conference targets company officers to executive fire officers. Contact: Joseph V. Saitta, Director, Public Safety Institute, P.O. Box 102, Sterling, VA 22170, (703) 450-6097.
MAY 10-15—The INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ARSON INVESTIGATORS (IAAI) ANNUAL SEMINAR will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The two program blocks are “New Weapons to Fight the Old Enemy: Arson” and “Wildfire.” Contact: Mar)’ Nachbar, (612) 643-3080 or Terry Lacy, (704) 3363978.
MAY 15-16—The NATIONAL FIRE SPRINKLER ASSOCIATION (NFSA) ANNUAL MEETING will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The seminar will focus on the latest technical, codes, and standards information, as well as ways for helping NFSA members to manage their businesses better. Contact: NFSA, P.O. Box 1000, Patterson, NY 12563, (914) 878-4 200.
MAY 15-17—The Lmcaster County firemen’s Association’s 20TH ANNUAL FlRE EXPO will be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. More than 300 manufacturers and 100 pieces of apparatus and ambulances will be on display. Contact: Fire Expo, 940 Village Rd., I-ancaster, PA 17602. (717) 464-3291.
MAY 15-22-The 1992 WORLD FIREFIGHTERS GAMES are to be held in I .as Vegas, Nevada. Arm wrestling, basketball, horseshoes, poker, sailing, track and field, wrestling, and about 40 other events are planned. Many of the sporting events are divided into groups by age, sex, or weight group. Contact: Second World Firefighters Games, Inc., 2620 S. Maryland Parkway, Suite 124, Las Vegas, NV 89109, (702) 734-8280.
MAY 22—The Metropolitan Arson Investigator’s Association’s 27TH ANNUAL FlRE AND EXPLOSION INVESTIGATION SEMINAR win be held in Greeley/Evans, Colorado. Fire effects on building materials, incendiary and explosivedevices, and vehicles are among the topics to be covered. Contact: Rocco DRiuardia, 8220 Louise Dr., Denver, CO 80221.
MAY 27-30-RESPONSE ’92, the 21st Annual Conference & Exhibition, is sponsored by the National Association for Search & Rescue (NASAR). The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for responders to exchangeinformation. Program presenters will focus on new and emergency research and standards and procedures, as well as discuss case studies. Contact: Response ’92, NASAR, P.O. Box 3709, Fairfax, VA 22038.