March 1-3—“Culture in the Fire Service” is the theme of the 20TH ANNUAL NORTHWEST FlRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR in Portland, Oregon. Topics include “Organization Culture and Professional Life,” “Insurance Services Office and the Fire Service,” “AIDS, Alcohol, and Drugs,” and “Leadership Survival and Organization Change.” Larry Campbell, an Oregon state legislator, will give the keynote address. For more information, contact Donald C. Milligan, 461 Sacre Lane North, Monmouty, OR 97361, or call (503) 838-2309.
March 4-5—Participants in a HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT COMMAND course will learn to develop plans, SOPs, and other guidance documents as well as to implement them. The course, taught by Hazmat T1SI in Columbia, Maryland, includes these topics of study: response considerations; study of case histories of haz-mat incidents; site management; and the impact of SARA Title III and OSFLA/EPA citations.
For more information, contact Hazmat Training Information Services, Inc., Columbia Business Center, 6480 Dobbin Road, Columbia, Maryland 21045, or call 1 (800) 777-TISI.
March 20-24—Sixty-seven courses will be offered at the 19th Annual FIRE MECHANICS ACADEMY, which is sponsored by the Fire Mechanics Division of the California Fire Chiefs Association. Students can participate in a 36-hour program and receive two college credits. Contact the Fire Mechanics Academy at (209) 474-5375.
March 27-30—The annual CHUBB NATIONAL FOAM FIRE SCHOOL will be held at the Texas A&M University Bray ton Firemen Training Center. This school gives fire protection personnel hands-on experience in the latest techniques for extinguishing flammable liquid fires.
For more information, contact W.D. Cochran. Chubb National Foam, Inc., 523 E. North Belt, Suite 260, Houston, Texas 77060, or call (713) 820-1095.
April 3-7—The Training Officers Section of the California Fire Chiefs Association presents its 12TH ANNUAL FIRE INSTRUCTORS WORKSHOP, entitled “Creating Excellence.” All events will be held at the Fresno Convention and Conference Center. For more information, write to Workshop ’89, P.O. Box 713110, Santee, CA 92071-0803, or phone (619) 448-3648.
April 12—A dinner marking the foundation of the CONGRESSIONAL FIRE SERVICES INSTITUTE will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Invitees include President Bush,. Vice President Quayle, and all members off the Fire Services Caucus. For more information, contact the Congressional Fire Services Institute, P.O. Box 48418, Washington, D.C. 20002.
April 14-16—A conference and exposition that focuses exclusively on emergency medical services, EMS EXPO ’89, will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be separate seminar tracks for EMTs, nurses, doctors, and administrators, as well as one of general interest. Seminar topics include diabetic coma, bites and stings, spinal injuries, child abuse, bicycle injuries, infectious diseases, and environmental emergencies. Several seminars of interest to management will also be presented: personnel conflicts, the media, hiring and firing, and computers. For more information, contact Conference Management Corporation, 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk, CT 06856-4990, or call (203) 8383710.
April 20-22—The CALIFORNIA RURAL FIRE ASSOCIATION will hold its 45th annual training conference in Redding, California. The conference’s theme is “The Now Reality – Intermix Fires and the Single Delivery System.” Wildland fires in the 1990s will require multiple agencies working together in a single delivery system; where does your department fit in? For more information, contact Duane Fry, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 1000 Cypress Ave., Redding, California 96001.
April 24-27—The Phoenix (Arizona) Fire Department will sponsor its second annual FIREFIGHTER HEALTH AND FITNESS seminar. Each day will start with a voluntary walking, aerobic, or jogging program, followed by group sessions focusing on “Life Inside Your Turnouts,” “The Nuts and Bolts of Setting Up a Fire Department Health Clinic,” and “Firefighter Strength Training and Nutrition.” There’ll be a choice of workshops during the afternoon. For more information, contact Division Chief Tom Healy, Phoenix Fire Department, 3315 W. Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017, or call (602) 495-5797.
April 25—A workshop to acquaint local government officials with new RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER TECHNOLOGY will be held in south Portland, Maine. The one-day workshop, sponsored by the United States Fire Administration, will address how the new technology systems work, the importance of the integration of early warning smoke detectors, and case histories of communities that have successfully passed residential sprinkler legislation. For more information, contact Operation Life Safety, 1329 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, or call (202) 833-3420.
April 27—A RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER TECHNOLOGY seminar for local government officials will be sponsored by the United States Fire Administration in Rochester, N.Y. See April 25 entry for contact.
May 4-7—A conference for HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE TEAMS will be sponsored by the Montgomery County (MD) Hazard;, ous Incidents Response Team and the Montgomery County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. For more information, write Haz Mat Conference, c/o Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Public Service Training Academy, 10025 Darnestown Road, Rockville, MD 20850.
May 6-7—The Corona Firefighters Association will sponsor its 12TH ANNUAL AUTO EXTRICATION AND RESCUE SEMINAR. The seminar covers victim access and stabilization, scene management, vehicle stabilization, and victim extrication. For more information and a registration packet, contact ei*er Fred Szabo, Marco Cervantes, or Raymond Lusk at (714) 737-2057.
June 3-4—A FIRE GROUND COMMANDER SEM- INAR with Chief Alan Brunacini of *e Phoenix, Arizona Fire Department will be sponsored by the Valley Shore Mutual Aid Association of *e Lower Connecticut River Valley. Tlie deadline for applications is February 20, and class space will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information, contact Keith Nelson at (203) 526-9504.