Coming Events
March 30-April 3—International Association of Arson Investigators, 32nd annual training conference. For further information contact Sgt. Ronald Horstman, New Jersey State Police/ Arson Unit, P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, N.J. 08625.
April 4—Pre Hospital Assessment & Management Seminar, Harrisburg, Pa. For further information contact E.M.S. Associates, P.O. Box 34656, Washington, D.C. 20034.
April 4—University of Bridgeport, Conn., 2nd annual Sports Medicine Symposium. For further information contact Dave Anderson, Men’s Athletic Trainer, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604.
April 6-8—Southwestern Spill Conference, 3rd annual, Brownsville, Tex. For further information contact George Oberholtzer, National Spill Control School, Corpus Christi State University, 6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, Tex. 78412.
April 21-24: The International Fire, Security and Safety Exhibition and Conference ’81, London’s Olympia. For further information contact Quentin Bell, IFSSEC Press Information Centre, Hesketh House, Portman Square, London W1, England.
April 30-May 3—54th Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival and Parade. Winchester, Va. For further information contact the Festival Headquarters, P.O. Box 3099, Winchester, Va. 22601.
May 3-8: Northwest Fire and Arson Seminar, Wilsonville, Ore. For further information contact George Dwelle, Chairman, Clackamas Fire District #1,11328 SE Beckman, Portland, Ore. 97222.
May 17-21—Illinois Fire Chiefs annual conference, Oak Lawn, Ill. For further information contact Chief Ken Wood, Glenview Fire Dept., Glenview, Ill.
June 21-25: New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, 75th annual conference, Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. For further information contact Ward A. Bohner, 8 Van Buren Dr., Kinderhook, N.Y. 12106
July 22-26: IAFC/Missouri Valley Division and Missouri State Fire Chiefs 1981 convention, Ramada Inn, St. Joseph, Mo. For further information contact Chief Lester F. Clark, St. Joseph Fire Department, 401 S. 7th St., St. Joseph, Mo. 64501.
June 6—Long Island Invitational Parade and Drill, Lindenhurst, N.Y. For further information contact John J. Broderick, P.O. Box 245, Lindenhurst, N.Y. 11757.
June 28-July 1—New England Association of Fire Chiefs, annual conference, Portsmouth, N.H. For further information contact Chief Arthur R. Gaudet, 16 Woodlawn St., Amesbury, Mass. 01913.