July 8-10, 1983 Clinical Conference on Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. Sponsored by the Florida Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians Contact 1983 ClinCon Registrar, 600 Court land St., Suite 420, Orlando. FI. 32804
July 18-13, Michigan Fire Chiefs Associations 58th Annual Conference. Contact Chief Carl Cerds, 16370 9 Mile Rd„ E Detroit, Mich 48021.
July 10, Fourth Annual New Hampshire Muster and Show. Contact M.A.F.A.A. Box 3332, Peabody, MA 01960.
August 19-21, Disaster Operations Workshops, Para Scope ’83. Contact Captain Mary Beth Michos. R.N., Dept, of Fire & Rescue Services, 101 Monroe St., 12th fl., Rockville, MD 20850.
August 22-26, International Society for Respiratory Protection Conference. Contact ISRP. Box 7567, St Paul, MN 55119.