MARCH 16-TACTICAL OPERATIONS FOR COMPANY OFFICERS: 1, delivered by the National Fire Academy and sponsored by the State Fire Training Systems, will be held in Oregon. It is designed to meet the needs of the company officer. It provides the participant with basic knowledge needed to manage and direct company level operations at emergency incidents. Contact: Larry Bosell, State Fire Training, 3000 Market St., Plaza, Suite 534, Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-5210.

MARCH 17-22—The Florida Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators is hosting the 13TH ANNUAL FlRE & ARSON INVESTIGATION TRAINING SCHOOL in west Palm Beach, Florida. The course is designed to enhance knowledge and ability to conduct skilled fire scene investigations and subsequent prosecutions. Contact: Dennis Scardino, 102 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 102, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334.

MARCH 18-22 — Hughes Institute for Continuing Education offers the courses ELECTRICAL FIRES, FIRE INVESTIGATION, THE FINGERPRINT OF FIRE AND ARSON, AND ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION to be held in San Francisco, California. The program’s prime objective is to enhance your ability to investigate and analyze through better understanding of what can and cannot occur. Contact: Victor P. Janule, Program Director, Hughes Institute for Continuing Education, P.O. Box 17968, Milwaukee, WI 53217-0968, (414) 352-9119.

MARCH 18-22—The HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TECHNICIAN COURSE win be held at Delaware State Fire School in Dover, Delaware. Instruction will be by A.I.D., Inc. Contact: Delaware State Fire School, (302) 739-4773.

MARCH 19-22 — Research Alternatives, Inc. is sponsoring an Emergency Information Systems Conference to be held in Rockville, Maryland. CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR THE 90S will explore the progress of technology in emergency and environmental management. Contact: Kimberly Patrick, (800) 9995009 or (301) 424-2803.

MARCH 23-27—The FIRE DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS CONFERENCE (FDIC), sponsored by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors, will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact: ISFSI. 30 Main St., Ashland, MA 01721, (508) 881-5800.

MARCH 25-29—The California Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Mechanics Division will hold its 21ST ANNUAL FIRE MECHANICS ACADEMY at Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana, California. Contact: California Fire Mechanics Academy, c/o Susan Porter, P.O. Box 1040, Gridley, CA 95948, (916) 846-5859.

MARCH 26-COMPLYING WITH FEDERAL RE- QUIREMENTS FOR REPORTING RELEASES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, a workshop hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will be presented at the Environmental Management Expo Anaheim ’91 in Anaheim, California. Topics include site-specific investigation and response activities, who is required to report releases of hazardous substances, and what substances and releases are subject to the reporting requirements. Contact: Workshop Coordinator, (215) 6835098.

APRIL 3-5—The Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS), the NFPA, the National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management, and Rescue magazine are sponsoring EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, to be held in Rosemont. Illinois. It is designed to serve the municipal, industrial, military, and federal emergency responder. Contact: Carol Dillenbeck, Show Manager, Tower Conference Management Co.. 800 Roosevelt Road, Building E — Suite 408, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5835, (708) 4693373.

APRIL 5-6-STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR DISPATCHERS and A DISPATCHER SEMINAR-YOUR ROLE IN OFFICER SURVIVAL, two seminars from JT Seminars. Inc, will be held in Hialeah, Florida. Contact: JT Seminars, Inc., P.O. Box 20333, Bloomington, MN 55420, (612) 8842182.

APRIL 9-11—The New England Consortium’s EMERGENCY RESPONDERS 24-HOUR BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COURSE win be held in Augusta. Maine. Contact: Helen Butler, Work Environment Laboratory, University of Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854, (508) 934-3257.

APRIL 10-14-FIRST WORLD CONGRESS ON STRESS, TRAUMA, AND COPING IN THE EMERGENCY SERVICES PROFESSIONS, hosted by the American Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ACISF), will be held in Baltimore, Maryland. Contact: Jeffrey T. Mitchell. Ph D. ACISF, P.O. Box 204, EUicott City, MD 21043, (301) 750-0856.

APRIL 12-14-THIRD ANNUAL MIDWEST NA- TIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE CONFERENCE will be held in Mundelein, Illinois. The event features 23 speakers and 22 workshops. Contact: Midwest National Hazardous Materials Response Conference, 113 Birmingham Place, Vernon Hills, IL 60061.

APRIL 13-14-OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY FOR FIREFIGHTERS, hosted by the Colorado Springs Fire Department, will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This two-day seminar instructed by Chief Alan Brunacini focuses on a practical approach to understanding NFPA 1500, establishing and managing a fire department safety program, and the role of fire department officers in ensuring the health and safety of firefighters on the fire ground. Contact: Mr. Ed Kirtley, Colorado Springs Fire Dept., Fire Prevention Bureau, 101 W. Costilla, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, (719) 578-7040.

APRIL 15-17-TECHNICAL FUNDAMENTALS FOR THE FIRE INVESTIGATOR is presented by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Professional Development. The course is designed for those involved in fire investigation. Sessions include fire investigations relating to causes such as flammable liquids and gases. Contact: Engineering Information, (800) 462-0876.

APRIL 15-19—14th Annual Fire Instructors Workshop, ACCEPTING THE CHALLENGE. hosted by the California Fire Instructors, will be held in San Jose, California. There will be 150,000 square feet of exhibits, and more than 20 speakers and 100 afternoon workshops are planned. Contact: Walt Luihn, Orinda Fire District, 33 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563, (415) 254-1110.

APRIL 21-26-COLLAPSE ’91. conducted by the Rescue Training Associates, will be held in Pennsville, New Jersey. The entirely hands-on seminar has been designed to prepare emergency service personnel for the task of rescuing persons from collapsed structures. Contact: Rescue Training Assoc., 1316 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, DE 19809, (302) 798-7447.

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…