August 7-12, 97th Annual Convention of the Virginia State Firemen’s Association and Ladies’ Auxiliary. Contact Carolyn Landis, R-8, Box 221, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
August 15-17, 1983 Electric Safety Conference: Electrical Fires. Contact Victor Janule, Dept, of Eng. & Applied Science, Univ. of Wisconsin, 432 North Lake St., Madison, W1 53706.
August 15-18, National Arson Seminar. Contact Mark Lozier, Ed. Chairman, PO Box 414, Delphi, IN 46923.
August 19-21, Disaster Operations Workshops, Para Scope ’83. Contact Captain Mary Beth Michos, R.N., Dept of Fire & Rescue Serv., 101 Monroe St., 12th fl., Rockville, MD 20850.
August 22-26, International Society for Respiratory Protection Conference. Contact ISRP, Box 7567, St. Paul, MN 55119.
August 25-27, Annual Firemen’s Convention. Contact Pres. Wayne 8aker, 4300 Harney Rd., Taneytown, MD 21787.
August 27-28, Aircraft Crash Rescue IAFC Pre-Conference Seminar. Contact IAFC Foundation, PreConference Coordinator, 1329 18th St., NW Washington, D.C. 20036.