February 2-5-A seminar on EDUCATIONAL CHARACTERIZATION THROUGH CLOWNING AND PUPPETRY will be held in Bullhead City, Arizona. The featured presentors are Captain Larry Nielson, a 13-year veteran of the Phoenix Fire Department who portrays Tiller the Clown, and Lee Armstrong, an experienced pappeteer. For more information, contact Pially Elson, 1260 Hancock Road, Bullhead City, Arizona 86442, or call (602) 758-3971. *
February 14-15 – Emergency Response Training Associates, Inc. will present the se minar “COMPUTERS AND THE FlRE SERVICE” in Orlando, Florida. It covers the basics of computer operation, how to select the prope**system and programs, and developing and iny lementing systems for emergency and nonemergency use. For more information, cffitact Emergency Response Training Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 76295, St. Petersburg, Florida 33734, or call (813) 398-2253.
February 18-19 – A WOMEN IN THE FIRE SERVICE SEMINAR entitled “Beyond Tomorrow” will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rockville, Mary land. Topics include “Understanding the Differences Between the Sexes,” “Street Smarts and Survival: What Men Really Think About Working With Women,” and “Romance in the Fire Service.” For more information, write to WIFS Seminar, c/o Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Public Service Training Academy, 10025 Darnestown Road, Rockville, Maryland 20850, or call (301) 279-1834.
February 21-23-An ARSON SEMINAR in Northbrook, Illinois, will address financial fraud, the role of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, pathology of fire victims, and evidence collection. For more information, write to R. Schwarz & Associates, Ltd., 3413 Greenbriar Drive, Glenview, Illinois 60025, or call (312) 729-1770.
March 4-5-A seminar on FIREFIGHTER SAFETY AND SURVIVAL will be sponsored by the Salisbury’ (Maryland) Fire Department. Phoenix Chief Alan Brunacini is the keynote speaker. For more information, contact Deputy Chief William Higgins or Firefighter Chuck Hughes at (301) 548-3120.
April 24-27-The Second Annual FIREFIGHTER HEALTH AND FITNESS TRAINING SEMINAR will be held in Phoenix, Arizona. Each day will start with a voluntary walking, aerobic, or jogging program. Topics for group sessions include “Life Inside Your Turnouts” and “Firefighter Strength and Nutrition.” Afternoon panel discussions will focus on what is (and isn’t) working in other cities; physical agility; and nutrition. For more information, contact Division Chief Tom Healy, Phoenix Fire Department, 3315 W’. Indian School Road, Phoenix, Arizona, 85017, or call (602) 495-5797.