June 20-24—A DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING conference will be sponsored by the EMS Degree Program at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Topics scheduled for discussion include writing a disaster plan, terrorism and EMS, mass gatherings, and lessons learned from recent events. The conference offers three college credits or continuing medical education credits upon completion. For more information, contact the Emergency Medical Service Degree Program, 2140 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., or call (202) 994-4372.

June 27-29—The FIFTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE will focus on health, safety, and the community response. Topics at the conference, which will be held in Snowbird, Utah, include public information and communication, handling a contaminated patient, an overview of haz mats in the health care industry, and leak and spill control. For more information, contact Katharine C. Blosch, Preferred Meeting Management, Inc., 640 E. Wilmington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, or call (801) 466-3500.

July 9-10—A CONFERENCE ON FIRE SERVICE SAFETY AND SURVIVAL will offer general sessions and workshops on safety issues for the fire service. A sunrise run and a safety swap meet are also scheduled for the conference, which will be held in Bethesda, Md. For more information, contact Capt. Mary Beth Michos, Training Officer, Fire Rescue Training Academy, 10025 Darnestown Rd., Rockville, MD 20850.

July 10-13—The MICHIGAN FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION will be held in Lansing, Mich. Seminar topics include “Legal Aspects: What You Can Be Sued For,” “Lessons Learned in Firefighter Safety,” and “Safety—Environment or Attitude.” Edward P. Plaugher, deputy chief of the Fairfax County (Va.) Fire and Research Department, is the scheduled kevnote speaker. Business sessions and exhibits are also planned. For more information, contact Chief Carl Gerds, 22121 Nevada, East Detroit, MI 48021.

July 22-24—An EXPO FOR FIRE, HAZ-MAT AND EMS PERSONNEL will be held in the greater Pittsburgh area. Tec-X-Po ’88, western Pennsylvania’s first expo specifically designed for emergency services personnel, will offer a look at items ranging from hydraulic tools to platform aerials. A speaker will present an hour-long seminar each day of the expo; there’ll be live, handson demonstrations of products. For more information, contact Kelly Simon Productions, Plymouth Center, Suite #5, 521 Plymouth St., Greensburg, PA 15601, or call (412) 837-7469.

July 30-31—A FARMEDIC INSTRUCTOR COORDINATOR SEMINAR will be held at Alfred State College in Alfred, N.Y. The program will prepare individuals to conduct farm accident rescue training. Topics include grain bin and silo rescues, firefighting aspects of silos, and commonlv used agricultural chemicals. For more information, contact Farmedic Training, Inc., 3721 Scottsville Rd., Scottsville, NY 14546-0027, or call (716) 889-1060.

August 1-5—The FIFTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE EXTRICATION COMPETITION will be held in La Crosse, Wis. During the competition, each team will be required to perform two assigned evolutions; points will not be awarded for a third evolution, a twenty-minute presentation. An international panel of judges will use a specific judging criteria to score the competition. Competing teams are asked to furnish all tools and equipment they’ll need; some tools will be available on a limited basis. For more information, contact John Olshanski, Coordinator, Western Wisconsin Technical College, 304 N. Sixth St., La Crosse, WI 54602-0908, or call (608) 785-9248.

August 1-5—The ANNUAL OHIO ARSON SCHOOL SEMINAR will feature speakers who give insight into the complexities and techniques of arson investigation. Topics for the one-week program, which will be held in Columbus, Ohio, include “Insurance Fraud and the Investigator,” “Link Analysis and Matrix,” and “Arson: After Scene Investigation.” Participants are expected to submit a written report or recap of their notes on the seminar’s last day in order to meet minimum requirements of a school certificate. For more information, contact the Ohio Arson School, Inc., P.O. Box 20569, Columbus, OH 43220.

August 20-A SILO FIREFIGHTING AND RESCUE SEMINAR will address some of the hazards firefighters face during operations on this piece of farm equipment. The seminar, offered by Farmedic Training, Inc., will be held at Alfred State College in Alfred, NY. See July 30-31 listing for contact.

August 26-28—The South Carolina Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators is holding its THIRD ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE. Conference topics include insurance investigation, real estate investigation, and a scenario of an arson bombing. The conference will be held in Myrtle Beach. For more information, contact Michael E. Reynolds, Director—SCIAAI, P.O. Box 784, Beaufort, SC 29901, or call (803) 525-1407.

August 27-31-“IAFC ’88: THE FUTURE IS TODAY,” is the title of this year’s annual fire and rescue conference sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs. Educational sessions at the conference, which will be held in Washington, D.C., include new trends in the fire service, management techniques, the Internal Revenue Service and volunteer fire departments, women in the fire service, and risk management. Innovations in the fire and emergency field will be displayed during the exhibit. There’ll be business sessions, a spouse/guest program, sunrise seminars, and officer elections. For more information, contact IAFC Conference Department, 1329 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, or call (202) 833-3420.

September 19-24—Firefighter safety will be the theme of this year’s ALASKA STATE FIREFIGHTERS/FIRE CHIEFS CONFERENCE in Kenai, Alaska. The conference will address management’s role in firefighter safety, as well as ways firefighters work to reduce risks from haz mats, cold, smoke, stress, natural disasters, and trauma. Training relating to firefighter stress and the family will be available to spouses and guests. For more information, contact Scott Walden, Conference Coordinator, Kenai Peninsula Chapter, ASFA, 105 S. Willow St., Kenai, AK 99611, or call (907) 283-4557.

Fire Engineering wants its readers to know about upcoming conferences and training courses. Submissions should be sent at least two months in advance of the event and should include as much information about seminar topics, speakers, and locations as possible. Please also include a daytime phone number. Send the information to: Tom Brennan, Fire Engineering, 250 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10001.

Lincoln (NE) Fire Crews Battle Fire That Engulfed Three Homes

Lincoln Fire and Rescue crews battled a large fire in a residential neighborhood Tuesday morning amid brutally cold conditions.