- STEVE BRASSFIELD was selected as the new chief of the Napa (CA) Fire Department (NFD) by City Manager Mike Parness. He takes over for previous chief Mike Randolph, who retired on December 31, 2016, after nearly 28 years with the department. Brassfield spent more than five years as an emergency medical technician and a paramedic before starting his career in fire service in Napa in 1995. After less than six years, he was promoted to captain, also serving as a training officer and a truck captain, then becoming shift battalion chief in 2012. In 2016, he was appointed to administrative battalion chief.
- ROBERT WEECH joined Polk County (FL) Fire Rescue as its deputy fire chief of logistics and special services. He is now responsible for fleet, facilities, warehouse operations, and information technology. Weech began his firefighting career with the City of Deerfield Beach (FL) Fire Rescue in 1999. He worked his way up through the ranks and became its assistant chief of administration in 2008. When the City of Deerfield Beach Fire Rescue merged operations with the Broward Sheriff’s Office Department of Fire Rescue in 2011, he initially served as division chief of finance and was subsequently promoted to assistant chief of operations.
- RANDY GRIFFIN was named as the new chief of the Oswego (NY) Fire Department (OFD). Griffin started his career as a firefighter more than 25 years ago. He was previously the chief of the DeWitt (NY) Fire Department. Griffin was also a state and local liaison at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Griffin said boosting morale will be one of his top priorities.
company/association news
- VALOR SEATING SYSTEMS, a military-grade first-responder seating system, announced that its products and seat configurations are now available on Spartan Emergency Response vehicles. Unique to the Valor® product line are many industry firsts in first-responder transportation safety including VALORTech XD® antimicrobial technology, military grade engineered design, climate controls to aid first responder thermal recovery, magnetic SCBA securement systems, and Rolltek IMMI® built-in air bag systems. www.usscgroup.com/first-responders. http://spartanmotors.com.
- DRYER VENT WIZARD (DVW) donated more than $20,200 to the Children’s Burn Foundation (CBF). The funds are used to help provide programs and services for children who are burn survivors. Monies raised during the campaign, held in October and November 2016, brings the total amount that DVW has contributed to the CBF to more than $65,000. Every October during National Fire Prevention Week, DVW’s franchisees, vendors, and corporate team participate in a variety of social media and corporate-wide activities to raise money for the CBF. DVW is an international franchise that specializes in dryer vent repair, replacement, alteration, cleaning and maintenance for residential and commercial clients. www.DryerVentWizard.com.
Fire Engineering Archives