* TELE ATLAS and FIRST RESPONDER SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY (FIRST) announced a joint strategic initiative to deliver navigation, mapping, and data sharing products to the public safety agencies in the United States. In addition, the companies will host educational seminars at key national and regional events to assist first responder agencies in their research and understanding of how geographic information and data sharing systems for their operations can directly improve response times and assist in saving lives.
This solution combines mapping and information required at the scene by emergency personnel. The mapping component will allow precise location and directions to emergencies, and other map-based information (such as addresses, overpasses/underpasses, and water features) can support such applications as evacuation planning and emergency notifications. The solution is also designed to interface easily with any computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system and does not require replacement of existing CAD systems.
* SEAGRAVE FIRE APPARATUS has acquired 50-percent ownership in CLASSIC FIRE, LLC, located in Ocala, Florida, to manufacture a complete new line of commercial fire apparatus products for North America. Classic Fire will be equally owned by Seagrave Holding (owner of Seagrave Fire Apparatus) and a group of investors whose partners include Jim White, Jim Weigle, Dan White, and Brad Ewers. Jim White has been named president of Classic Fire, LLC.
Classic Fire will design and manufacture a complete line of commercial-based fire apparatus in extruded aluminum to be mounted on any suitable commercial chassis. The products will be branded Seagrave and will be exclusively sold, serviced, and warranted by Seagrave and its dealers. The product line will initially include Class A pumpers, wildland interface vehicles, tanker and mobile water tenders, quick-attack units, skid-mount units, air and light units, light airport firefighting vehicles, and industrial foam firefighting vehicles.
Seagrave and its distribution network will market and sell the complete line of commercial fire apparatus products, designed and manufactured by Classic Fire, throughout North America. Three of Classic Fire’s new products were featured in Seagrave’s booth at the 2004 Fire Department Instructors Conference in Indianapolis, indiana.
* The FIRE APPARATUS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION (FAMA) awarded Rollie Myers, Seagrave’s director of sales and a 40-year employee, the Star Achiever Award. The award is presented annually by FAMA to the member who exemplifies the highest quality character, spirit, and drive in activities with the association. Myers served several terms as FAMA Technical Committee chairman before being elected to the board of directors and serving a term as president. In 2004, because of his experience level and past contributions, Myers was asked to return to the board to fill out the term of a member who had resigned.
* SURVIVAIR, a respiratory protection equipment maker, has agreed with SUMMIT SAFETY, INC. to develop and market a firefighter locating system based on Summit’s patented PULSE™ (personnel ultrasonic locating safety equipment) technology. Under the terms of the agreement, Survivair is granted exclusive rights to design, manufacture, distribute, and sell PULSE-based systems to firefighters, emergency medical responders, police, and related personnel throughout the world.
According to Survivair, initial field tests show that its PULSE-based Survivair Pathfinder system can help reduce the time required to locate and rescue a downed firefighter by as much as 80 percent.
Summit was founded in the wake of the tragic 1999 Worcester, Massachusetts, warehouse fire with the express purpose of developing a system for firefighters to use in tracking their way in and out of a fire scene and to locate one another inside when necessary.
Summit’s PULSE technology consists of an omnidirectional transmitter (the Beacon) and a narrowly focused receiver (the Tracker). The Survivair Pathfinder system, integrated into a Survivair Panther SCBA, will allow rescuers to locate a downed firefighter regardless of the smoke concentration. Because the system uses ultrasonic signals that are reflected by walls, disabled firefighters can be located around corners or when hidden by obstacles. Rescue personnel can be led directly to the individuals while avoiding blind alleys and other obstacles, as can happen with radio frequency (RF) technology. Development of the Pathfinder system incorporating PULSE technology is already well underway, and product is expected to be available by the end of the year.
Survivair’s PantherT SCBA has been certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) against exposure to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents. Designed to help defend against terrorist attacks in the wake of 9/11, the NIOSH CBRN certification program is intended to assure the first responder community that the SCBA they would use in such an attack would be effective against weapons of mass destruction.
Testing is done on a pass/fail basis on units and accessories as submitted by the manufacturer. NIOSH approved the Panther SCBA 4,500-psig unit on the first submittal. The approval covered all cylinders with locking collar only, the Panther-style bell alarm and warbling whistle alarm, all facepiece and nose-cup sizes (facepieces in black only), the Survivair KevlarT Headnet™, and accessories including COMPASST with optional ThermAlert™, DoublePASS™, and Survivair’s buddy breather with optional check valve.
A second submittal is currently undergoing testing to extend the range of Panther SCBA products and accessories that carry the “CBRN Agent Approved” label.
* AMERICAN LAFRANCE announced that a total company restructuring called “Operation Eagle,” started shortly after the arrival of Marc Gustafson, company president, has allowed highly improved products and faster delivery times. The company revamped its business model to align manufacturing efforts of each plant to specialize in a particular product offering or technology, allowing an increased line capacity of more than 20 percent and a manufacturing through-put time increase of 60 percent, reducing order turnaround times.
American LaFrance appointed Michael M. Popovich vice president of marketing and strategy. He will have executive responsibility for all aspects of marketing including product promotion and strategy. Previously, he was vice president of sales and marketing for Autocar Truck.
* PELICAN PRODUCTS, INC., which makes flashlights and protective equipment cases, won a judgment in U.S. Federal Court (Case # LACV03-7812) against Skywise Industrial, Ltd. of Hong Kong. Skywise had manufactured and exported two models of injection molded cases that infringed on one or more of Pelican’s trademark registrations including its design registration. Skywise is now enjoined from manufacturing, advertising, selling, or importing into the U.S. cases that infringe Pelican’s design. The judgment also orders Skywise to recall and destroy any of the offending products.