Company News

Company News

C. James Brown has been named vice president, marketing, for the Homelite division of Textron Inc.

In separate announcements, William G. Grant Jr. was named to succeed Brown as director, national sales, and his previous position as regional sales manager, south, has been filled by Dennis R. Wilkerson, most recently district manager in Alexandria, Va.


Michael Henderson has been named president of a new U.S. marketing affiliate for O-Two Systems of Canada. O-Two Systems International will be located in Lenexa, Ks., and will be responsible for marketing all Flynn products in the U.S. as well as internationally.

Henderson has appointed George R. Brewer as regional manager, U.S.A.

Honeywell Corporation was recently honored by the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) as the top employer in the state for “professional employment practices.” The award was based on a 1978 MSPE survey which compared Honeywell practices with MSPE guidelines for professional employment of engineers and scientists.

Intercontinental Ropes Inc., fabricator of wire ropes and fittings has been appointed manufacturers representatives for Sky Genie, a rescue/escape device for descent of people or equipment from multi-story buildings or other high places. Distribution will be in 10 southern states, Mexico, South America and Europe.

Stephen M. Arnold has been appointed manager of quality assurance and service at Magnasync/Moviola Corporation. Arnold will be responsible for quality control of the product line and its service engineering and authorized service agencies throughout the world. He will also conduct service schools and seminars.

Also named to new positions are Maureen Schmidt, manager of parts department, who will administer parts orders for the communications and studio divisions, and Marnie Billingslea, sales administrator for communications division, who will be responsiblr for sales orders for that division.

Harry A. Oden has been appointed a regional sales manager for National Fire Hose Corporation. He will represent the corporation in the midwestern and eastern sections of the IJ.S. and in Canada, covering both municipal and industrial markets.

Oden’s background in fire equipment business includes eight years as a sales representative with Akron Brass Company and 2 1/2 years with Safety Supply Company.

The appointments of Tom Hoffman as export sales manager, and Julie Oliver as export administrative manager, has been announced by Elroy Bourgraf, president of Ferno-Washington Inc.


Franklin W. Maddux has been named to succeed Beverly F. Dolan as president of Textron’s Homelite Division. Dolan has been promoted to Textron executive vice president of operations, where he will be responsible for all of the company’s non-aerospace divisions. Maddux was the vice president of marketing, U.S.A., Homelite.

Garner L. Davis was recently elected senior vice president of sales for Mack Trucks Inc. Davis first joined Mack in 1946, progressing to branch, district and regional manager and regional vice president in Mack’s Southwestern Region.

In 1975 he became vice president of sales and relocated to corporate headquarters.

Walter C. Schuster, Jr., has been promoted to vice president of engineering of Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. He began working for Pirsch as chief engineer in December 1978 after an extensive background in the heavyduty truck industry.

firefighters rescue woman

Fire at Rio De Janeiro’s Carnival Costume Factory Leaves 10 Hospitalized

A fire Wednesday at a Rio de Janeiro factory that produces costumes for the city's iconic Carnival left 10 people hospitalized.

After Three Fire Deaths, FDNY Asks People to Quit Blocking Hydrants

This week, two deadly fires—one in Brooklyn and another in the Bronx—have highlighted a persistent problem in New York City: blocked fire hydrants.