■ CAIRNS & BROTHER, INC., Clifton, New Jersey, and GLOBE FIREFIGHTERS SUITS, Pittsfield, New Hampshire, have formed a business alliance for producing and marketing Cairns protective clothing for firefighters. Under the agreement. Globe will begin manufacturing Cairns’ complete line of turnouts in Globe’s New Hampshire plant by the end of this year. The line will continue to carry the Cairns label and will be marketed and sold only through the present Cairns dealer network. Globe will continue to produce its line of protective clothing through its separate and extensive distribution network.
■ The Federal Court in Oregon, on May 26, 1994, resolved the litigation between the FDA and LAERDAL MANUFACTURING CORPORATION in Laerdal’s favor. The FDA sued Laerdal in September 1993 for alleged violations of regulations and sought to close the company’s cardiac defibrillator manufacturing facility in Oregon. Judge Helen J. Frye rejected all of the FDA’s allegations that Laerdal had not used good manufacturing practices. The court found that Laerdal had failed to file one medical device report with the FDA on time and ordered the company to comply with the MDR regulation in the future. Laerdal filed the one report identified by the court in February 1994.
■ CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY, INC. is celebrating its 75th anniversary year with community events in its hometown of Columbus. Indiana, and corporate functions at Cummins locations worldwide. The company also marked one of its most successful and profitable years in 1993, posting net earnings of $177.1 million on gross sales of $4.25 billion. During 1993, the company also introduced its state-of-the-art 1994 lineup of on-highway diesels.
■ AMERITECH. Hoffman Estates, Illinois, has committed to a project that includes an SIX.2 million investment to deliver next-generation hardware, software, and communications platforms to enhance the 911 systems of its customers in Illinois. Ohio. Indiana, Wisconsin. and Michigan by June 1995. SCC Communications of Boulder. Colorado, w ill provide the applications software and Tandem Computers of Cupertino, California, the hardware platform for the upgrade.
■ BRK ELECTRONICS, developer and manufacturer of First Alert home safety products, with the Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, presented $50,000 for burn research to Loyola University Medical Center’s Shock Trauma Institute and Burn Center in Chicago, Illinois.
■ Turnout gear worn by members of the Houston (TX) Fire Department w ill be made exclusively with HOECHST CELANESE s PB1 (polybenzimida/.ole) Gold fiber.
■ PARATECH INCORPORATED, Frankfort, Illinois, has established PARATECH (UK) LTD. based in Gloucester, England, as its subsidiary. which acquired in March 1994 the “Pacebraker” Hydraulic Tool Product Group from Hamworthy Compressor Systems Ltd. of England.
■ ANGUS FIRE’s Wide-range Accurate Sprinkler Proportioner (WASP) System for introducing foam into sprinkler systems has achieved record levels of accuracy and fire extinction performance in tests independently witnessed by the Loss Prevention Council. The system proportioned Alcoseal 3-3 AR-FFFP foam concentrate at 3 percent across a broad range of water flow rates in full compliance with the accuracy requirements of NIP A I6A: 1988 and BS5306 Section 6.1:1988.
The company’s TR1DOL M 3% AFFF has successfully completed the test program at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and has been included on the Qualified Products List for meeting military specification M1L-F24385 Revision F.
■ SCOTT AVIATION. Monroe, North Carolina, has extended its program to assist Air-Pak® I la. 2.2 and 4.5 SCBA users in upgrading their units by adding heatand flame-resistant body and head Kevlar” harnesses. Under the offer. Scott users purchase one harness kit and receive a second kit free of charge. Details of the program are explained in Scott publication H/S 5651. “Important SafetyRelated SCBA Improvements,” which may be obtained by contacting Scott Aviation; 309 W. Crowell St.; Monroe, NC 28112; (704) 282-8400, fax: (704) 282-8423.
■ Risco, in Deptford, New Jersey, has joined the distributor program of PREMIER REFRACTORIES AND CHEMICALS, INC., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
■ PIERCE MANUFACTURING, INC. has added a 75,000-square-foot paint facility adjacent to its Appleton, Wisconsin, headquarters. Among the new facility’s features are sanding and painting booths equipped with the most advanced air-flow systems and natural gas-fired curing ovens that use radiant wall technology.
Pierce also has been awarded the State of Wisconsin’s Governor’s Award for Excellence in Hazardous Waste Reduction in recognition of its proactive approach to environmental rules and regulations. The company replaced topcoats and primers with chrome and lead-free coatings at all Pierce facilities, changing the waste streams from hazardous to nonhazardous materials, and replaced a chrome-containing metal treatment chemical with chrome-free solutions, resulting in the generation of nonhazardous wastewater.
■ The new 85-acre, multimillion dollar training center under construction near Mobile, Alabama, will be managed by RISC AMERICA, the American extension of Rotterdam-based RISC Education and Training, under a 10-ycar contract it was recently awarded. The training center—funded by the Greater Mobile Emergency Preparedness Association (GMEPA), comprising 15 heavy industrial companies, including Ciba Corp., Zeneca, Huls America Inc., Cytec Industries, Alabama Power Co,, Akzo Chemicals, Scott Paper Co., and E.l. Du Pont—will provide emergency responder training to GMEPA member companies and other industrial companies.
■ HALE PRODUCTS, INC. and G0DIVA LTD. announce that Godiva has received ISO 9002 certification for its pump and ancillary equipment.