JOHN BARNES has been named manager of government and public affairs for the Steel Tank Institute, located in Lake Zurich, Illinois. Most recently, Barnes worked as special assistant to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). At STI, Barnes will be working with legislative personnel in Washington, D.C., to seek support for STI member companies’ efforts and views.
As part of a plan to organize its various businesses into two major segments—Specialty Fabrics and Home Products — SPRINGS INDUSTRIES has announced that SPRINGS PROTECTIVE FABRICS now win be a part of the company’s Springfield Apparel Group. Springs Protective Fabrics will be headed by John Harvey, who previously was technical sales manager. Harvey succeeds Gene Cone, who has left Springs.
A unique public/private partnership between the City of Tempe, Arizona, and ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (APS) has yielded its initial results: the kickoff last August of the construction of a SI.7 million, state-of-the-art fire training complex on the site of APS’s Ocotillo Power Plant.
BETE FOG NOZZLE, INC., of Greenfield, Massachusetts, has been awarded certification from an international accredited auditing organization to the ISO 9001 international quality standard. BFTE Fog Nozzle provides spray nozzles to various markets worldwide, including the pollution control, fire prevention, chemical processing, textile, and agricultural markets.
A new alliance between EMERGENCY ONE and SNORKEL ECONOMY has been announced; Snorkel aerials now will be offered on Emergency One apparatus. Emergency One, based in Ocala. Florida, has more than 12,000 vehicles in service worldwide. Snorkel Economy, which introduced the Snorkel articulated two-boom elevating platform to the market in 1958, is headquartered in St. Joseph, Missouri.
CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY, INC., headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, has announced that its subsidiary, HOLSET ENGINEERING COMPANY of the United Kingdom, has acquired Kompressorenbau Bannewitz (KBB) GmbH of Germany. The new company will be known as HOLSET KBB.
Effective August 1. EAGLE COMPRESSORS, INC., has acquired the assets of the Breathing Air Division of Ingersoll-Rand Company of Pleasant Garden, North Carolina. Eagle Compressors, a new corporation, is part of Powell Duffrvn pic, an industrial holding company based in London, England.
Air Force Development Rest Center at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, has awarded INTERSPIR0, INC., of Branford, Connecticut, a major contract to supply the U.S. Air Force with a standardized, 4,500-psi, 60-minute positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. The award, worth up to S45 million with options, is one of the largest ever made for SC BAs worldwide. The contract comprises deliveries of up to 20,400 SCBAs for use by Air Force firefighters worldwide.
MOTOROLA LAND MOBILE PRODUCTS has delivered the first trunked radio communications system in Lithuania to the Ministry of the Interior. The system, the VHF, fivechannel, SMARTNET™ with telephone interconnect. will include 400 portable and 100 mobile radios to initially support 500 users.
The relocation of company headquarters to Fresno, California, has been announced by TEMPEST CONTROLLED AIRSTREAMS The new facility covers more than 20,000 square feet of manufacturing area and 2.000 feet of office space. The new address is 4645 North Bendel Ave.; Fresno, California 93722. The company’s new phone and fax numbers are (209) 277-7577 and (209) 277-7579, respectively.