



Editors National Fireman’s Journal:

GENTLEMEN: Your prospectus has reached. the Firemen of our city, and a general endorsement of your new project meets me at every turn. I need only to say that these are anxiously looking for the arrival of the first number. It has been a general wonder why the Firemen of this country have not long ago had a journal of their own, especially when one recalls the thousands that are scattered throughout the United States. We shall give you our cordial support in this section, and aid in circulating the JOURNAL throughout the upper country. We have rather a selfish feeling here as to our department; that is, outsiders may think so ; hut we are second to none in the States, and one of the main roasons is that it has at its head one of the old Veteran Firemen of New York city, Chief David Scannel. He has brought it up to so perfect a system, that the city and department could not do without him, and so they have just elected him to the Chief Engineership again. The Board of Firo Commissioners are composed of a body of men unequaled by any Commissioners in the country for experience and knowledge of the working of a department. Among them are Edward Flaherty, ex-Fireman of old 21 Engine, of your city. To give you a more minute idea of our force, I would state that the Board of Fire Commissioners at present consists of William Ford, Gordon E. Sloss, Edward Flaherty, Benard Ordenstein, and Charles Field. Tho department consists of eleven Steam Firo Engines, seventeen Horse Ilose-reels, four Hook and Ladder Carriages and Horses, together with tho necessary equipments, ready in active service; and four Steam Fire Engines, two Hose-reels, and two Hook and Ladder Trucks in reserve at the Corporation Yard, the condition of which is as fully kept up to the standard required as that of the app iratus in active service.

The department as now organized is entitled to two hundred and sixty members, sixty-four of whom are permanently engaged, and one hundred and ninety-six men at call.

The officers are David Scannel, Chief Engineer ; Matthew Brady, John E. Ross, James Riley, and George W. Corbell, Assistant Engineers ; Samuel Rainey, Superintendent of Steam Fire Engines; James Stoddard, his Assistant Superintendent. Engineer Riley and Supt. of Steamers, Samuel Rainey, are the gentlemen who not long ago visited your city. Rainey holds the same position here as our old friend, Gilbert (Gilly) J. Orr does in your Department. We have now one thousand two hundred and eight hydrants throughout the city, an increase of sixty-six over last year. All the Engines and H. and L. Trucks are in excellent working condition, as is also all the appendages connected with them. During the year a Hayes’ Fire Escape Truck has been built and placed in service in the house of Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, on Broadway Street. It is proposed to have a Fire Boat, similar in style to your Havemeyer. The Department has but eighteen thousand feet ol reliable hose. This is entirely inadequate to the wants of the city. An abundant supply of water for all emergencies is necessary, but it is just as necessary that good and sufficient means be constantly on hand to make proper use of said water, or the Department is, in a measure, powerless to arrest a large fire.

Experience has demonstrated the fact, that, with an abundant supply of water, as San Francisco now has in the business portion of the city, where fires occur frequently in the upper stories of buildings filled with valuable goods, the danger of damago by water is very great, especially when, as at present, it is necessary to run a line of hose to the upper floors and turn on water, which must of necessity cause more or less damage to goods, furniture, etc., on the lower floors. This could in a great measure be avoided if the city had a chemical engine for such service, which could be used to advantage in nearly all cases, and tho danger to stock greatly lessened, if not wholly prevented. The experience of cities where the chemical engines have been fully tested, warrants the assertion that fully three-fourth of all fires are extinguished by tho chemical apparatus with scarcely any damage or loss by water.

We have no loss than forty-nine cisterns scattered throughout the city, which hold just 2,889,85(5 gallons. The cost of running our Department last year was $220,941.11, of which $155,940.00 woro for salaries. In my next I will give you a list of our companies.

“ Isco.”


AUBURN, Nov. 12, 1877.

Editors National Fireman’s Journal :

Having boon handed a letter from you to our worthy Chiof, Joo H. Morris, he wished me to answer tho same, and if agreoablo to you to offer correspondence on fire matters from this city. Wishing you success in your new departure, I would inform you that our “ depart, ment” consists of eight active companies and throo reserve, divided into seven hose and one truck company.

Neptune Hose 1 is housed on Market Street; has fifteen men, Byron Witham, foreman. They have a handsome spidor for duty, but their building is very poor; still the parlors are fitted up equal to any in the State.

Letchworth Hose 2 is housed on Ouasco Street; numbers fifteen men, with M. L. Erhart, foreman. Their building is new, and is fitted up in the best of style.

Niagara Hose 2 is situated on Williams Street; numbers fifteen men, with J. McGrail as foreman. It is one of the best working companies in the city; but tho house is not of the best pattern.

Cayuga Hose 4 is housed on Franklin Street. It consists of fifteen men; Ed. J. Jewhurst, foreman.

C. N. Ross Hose 5 is a double company, active and reserve, and is named after our State Treasurer. They number forty men. Foreman, George Brill. They have the largest louse in the city, situated on Wall Streot.

Good Will Hose 6 is a first-class company. Although the newost in the department, they have done a large amount of fire duty. They are housed on Wall Street; have twenty men ; ibreman, Joe Coughlin.

Exempt Ho$e 7 J8 an independent company. It consists of about ten active members. Allen McKain, foreman. They have a good building, but slightly furnished.

Logan Hook and Ladder 1 is the oldest company but one in the department, having just celebrated its fifty-third anniversary on the 23d of October, 1877. They have thirty men; foreman, William C. Burgers. The building on Market Stroet, whore they are stationed, is a poor one ; but the company parlors are tho best furnished of any in tho city. Tho company spiders carry about six hundred feet of hose, and weigh near four hundred and eighty pounds, while the truck is heavily ladened, and brings down about throe thousand six hundred pounds.

Our Engineers’ Department is composed of Joe H. Morris, Chief, fourth term; R. B. Stalker, first assistant, second term; 1). S. Pearson, second assistant, first term. The boys have been bothered but little with work this year ; still we had two small fires quite recently, but no alarms for either. Tho State championship race of one-half mile, lay two hundred feet hose, and attach pipe, for one hundred dollars and State Belt between Khlridgo Hose (1, of Elmira, New York, and Niagara Hose 2, of this city, did not take place on account of the weather. The members of No. (i were on hand, and were looked after by the Niagaras; hut the sport was postponed till next year.

Hook and Ladder 1 have commenced their annual hops in the company rooms, on tho second and fourth Thursday in every month. Hose (5 have opened their sociables at tho Academy of Music. C.N. Ross lloso 5 are holding reunions in their rooms every other week. The ball of Hose 2, in tho Academy of Music, November 12, was a grand success. “ PEN.”


ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1877.

Editors National Fireman’s Journal :

Wo are not as notorious in Rochester in firo matters as in other things—political for instance. We do uot have tires enough to keep the “ boys ” awake; but they are very spry on an alarm being sounded. A destructive conflagration here is a thing in tho far past; and were wo to have a 1100,000 tire, nine days would not be long enough for the “ wonder ” to subside.

Our department consists of four steam fire engines in active service, if working two or three times a year can be called active, their fenders, a Truck Company, Wheeled Babcock Extinguisher, all embraced in the Paid Department; two volunteer Hose Companies, and the Protectors, the most valuable anxilliary in a Fire Department ever in operation. The whole department is under control of the Executive Board, which is also in charge of the Water Works, telegraph system, etc, The Board has lately adopted new regulations for the department, and they are longer than the Constitution of the United States; sensible in some respects, and in some not. They attempt to abridge the political rights of the employes, and that is a thing that won’t work.

Wo have the best system of water works in the world—through the central part of the city the Holly system, in connection with the Hemlock or gravitating system. The mains throughout the city are long, and there is never a scarcity of watar, A lire is “flooded out” before it has a chance to “ spread.” The hose boys attach to a hydrant, and there is no vise for a steamer. Tho capacity of tho works is almost beyond computation. The water from Hemlock hake is the purost in tho world, and is a specific for all diseases lire included, if such an expression is pardonable. The largest mains are thirty-six and twenty-four inches in diameter, and nothing less than six inchos is used. There are over seven hundred hydrants, and tho number is constantly boing added to. The Chief Engineer of tho department is Sam S. Gibson, and he gives entire satisfaction to all. Ho is an old Fireman, although a young ‘ man.

Wishing for the success of tho JOURNAL, with your permission and tho acceptance of this introductory lettor, you will be kept posted on tiro matters hore. Yours,



CHARLESTON, S. C., Nov 7, 1877.

Editors National Fireman’s Jowrnal:

There is but little to say of fire matters here. Wo have had but few fires in tho p ,st year, and the most of them wore insignificant.

Thoro have boon no changes of late in the organization, and tho system is still “ volunteer.” Our department is a very large one, consist ing of twouty-two companies, composed of fourteen steamers, five hand engines, and three hook and ladder trucks; eight of tho companies are colored. Tho engines and trucks aro pulled by the men, with two exceptions, where horses are used. Tho water supply is altogether from wells and tidal drains, yot tho department is very effective, doing its work quickly and well.

There is not tho esprit tie corps which existed hoforo the war, and many, both in and out of the department, advocate a paid department, with fewer engines and a better water supply. Our firemen, however, are as gallant as ever— ready and willing at all times.

Most of tho steamers aro Amoskeags, and nearly all the hose used is rubber—made by “The Gutta l’erchaaud Rubber Manufacturing Co., of New York.”

V our JOURNAL will find many readers among our boys, who will bo glad to hear of their brother Firemen, and to be kept posted on fire


Wishing you all success, I am,

Yours truly,



WOODSOCKKT, R. I., Nov. 12, 1877.

Editors ,atumiat hrevutn’s Journal:

The announcement made that a FIREMAN’S Jot RNAb had been started in New York for the sole interest of the Firemen throughout the United States, meets with great favor here. I can assure you that you can count on many subscribers in our Department. We wish you every success.

We have just held our annual meeting, which was presided over by Chief Engineer Elliott, a large attendance being present. After the usual routine of business, the election of officers was proceeded with, Nathaniel Elliott being reelected Chief Engineer; Moses Chandler, ist Assistant; George Worrall, 2d Assistant; Clinton Puffer, Clerk ; George C. Wilder, Treasurer. A discussion on the expenditures elicited the fact that the debt of the last year was reduced $2,500. It was voted that hereafter the reports of the Engineers and Treasurer be made to October 15th. The steamer house committee was continued. The Engineers were authorized to purchase two hose carriages, not to exceed 1,200 feet of hose, a $150 extension ladder, and to place a pump in the Croton mill. It was voted to raise by tax not over $7,500, nor less than $7,000. George Worrall, Horace Cook, and A. D. Vose were chosen Assessors. The collection of the taxes were let to Henry M. Brown at seven mills on the dollar, and he was elected Collector, the taxes to be collected by March 1st next. The Treasurer was authorized to borrow not over $5,o0o, and to renew notes. A. [D. Vose was authorized to endorse. The salary of the Engineers is to be the same as last year, $1,000, The meeting dissolved.

All our apparatuses are in fair condition ; but there is a great lack of good hose. We have had no fires of any account for some time past.

“ PHIL.”



Editors National Fireman’s Journal:

It is almost needless for me to inform you that the announcement that we are to have at last a real FIREMAN’S JoURNALhasquitesurprised many here. Your prospectus has been well canvassed, and it is not only cordially endorsed, but be assured that the JOURNAL will receive the hearty support of all the Firemen of our city.

We have but little or no news to send you this week; but be assured we shall keep you posted in all leading events.

‘The meeting of the Volunteer Firemen’s Association, which J was held last week, was largely attended. The Lyle Monument Committee reported that the monument is now at Ivy Hill Cemetary, and will, in the course of a few days, be erected in the ground of the Association, in that cemetary.

The Anniversary Committee reported that they had engaged the National Guards Hall banquetting room for the 14th of December, and also issued tickets ‘for the affair, at one dollar each. It is proposed to make this an oldfashioned Firemen’s reunion.

There arc many reports in circulation that the so-called ring of the City Council intend running the Department to the exclusion of the Fire commissioners. An attempt will be made, it is ! said, to abolish the Commission. I can only | quote from one of our home journals the true feelings expressed about it:

“ If they do pass the ordinance, it will be one of the most foolish pieces of business that has j occurred for some time. It will ruin the little | discipline the Fire Department now possesses, | and it would soon become rotten and so demor! ali/ed that other steps will be found necessary to be resorted to with the view of bettering the conj dition that the Councilmen would place the De! partment in. To be sure, the Councilmen would have more political control over the Firemen, and use them when they want to fix up delegates. Rowan is the bitter enemy to the Board, which he would like to use occasionally. At present the Commissioners are fast losing their power by the action of the Councilmen, who are claiming all the appointments; not only that, but also all Riq contracts which fajl under their jurisdiction. The adoption of the ordinance will do the Department no good, while its demoralization is sure to follow. The proposed change has caused much anxiety among the insurance people of our city, for they well know what the result will be.”

The controversy regarding the awards of contract, by the Fire Commissioners, for gum hose, or patent carbolized hose, has caused some little trouble. It seems that the Commissioners have declined to award the contract, on the ground that the bidders have no legal rights to avail themselves of the patent. No fires of any note.

A move is on foot to consolidate the Fire Department with the police, making them do double duty. One point raised is that twelve men is too large a number for a company ; then again a project is also gaining headway to place the control of the Department in the hands of the insurance companies. I cannot give you the full details in this lettes, but will in my next.

“ MORO,”


CAMBRIDGE, NOV. g, 1877.

Editors National Fireman’s Journal :

The prospectus of the NATIONAL FIREMAN’S JOURNAL meets the approval of the Firemen generally, and as the policy marked out will tend to the benefit of Firemen, in that they will be enabled to exchange opinions on topics connected with their several lines of duty, will serve to meet the want long felt by the intelligent Firemen of the country, of a journal devoted to their interests, and in which they can express their views in regard to the management of fires, appliances for the prevention and extinguishment of the-same, fire escapes, hose, etc., etc. Trusting your paper may meet with the success it deserves, I will now give you a synopsis of our Department in this city.

The Fire Department of the city of Cambridge consists of a Chiof and four Assistant Engineers, five Steam Fire Engines of the Amoskeag pattern, with hose carriages connected with each one, two Hook and Ladder Trucks, and one supply hose carriage, and one relief engine, the whole being supplied with all the modern improvements applicable to the duties required of them.

The several engine stations are considered models in all that pertains to the needs of a first-class Fire Department.

The Department has in use the Gamewell system of Fire Alarm Telegraph, automatic in its workings, with headquarters second to none in the country.

The city has been remarkably free from disastrous conflagrations the present year, mainly owing to the promptness and efficiency of the Department, to which the underwriters will bear ample testimony, and which is the pride of our citizens, “ WARREN.”


CHICAGO, NOV, 14, 1877.

Editors National Fireman’s Journal :

The Chicago Firemen rejoice, with the rest of mankind, that at last they have a JOURNAL devoted solely to their interests, and wherein they can hold converse with their brother Firemen in j all parts of the Union. They have long felt the want of such a paper as you propose to publish, and when it becomes generally known, you will find the Fire laddies from Maine to Texas, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, will rally to its support,

I hope I will soon see some spicy letters in your JOURNAL from the pens of those versatile and accomplished writers, “John Doaks ” and “ Veteran.”

I have nothing to write about in regard to fires this week ; in fact, we have few of them. Our Firemen are having an easy time of it, nothing to do and big pay, for the very good reason that wc have an engine house on nearly every block, and our Marshal is continually crying for more.

Prayers are offered in all our churches on Sabbath mornings that no fire breaks out near our Western limits, as our Marshal’s great hobby is to drive all fires into the lake, as he did at the great fire of ’74, when acres of property were consumed, and our inhabitants are fearful a like calamity would befall us should a fire break out anywhere near Western Avenue. It’s lucky for the Michiganders that the lake is between them and us, for if it was not, some day Benner would certainly burn that State up trying to force a fire out of the country into the Dominion of Canada.

For a time our Chief stopped the ringing of the fire alarm bells ; but the business men and others so annoyed our Mayor with petitions, that he was compelled for the sake of his peace to order Marshal Benner to ring them again.

Rotary Sam, the man who is better posted and knows more about fire matters all over the world than any one else, has been detailed off to the city limits.

Our Fire Dapartment is becoming terribly excited over the aspirations of a certain Alderman, who calculates, and some people assert it as a fixed fact, that as soon as his Aldermanship is over, he is to step into Fire Marshal Benner’s big boots. At present the Alderman attends all fires on the North side, where he resides, and on a second alarm on the West and South sides you will find him there. He spends the better portion of his time in the Chief’s office, watching the routine of affairs, so as to be fully posted in the workings of the Department when he is inducted in the Marshalship which he expects will be next April. That he has been promised the position by Mayor Heath is positively asserted, and that he had that position in view when he moved in the Council to have the Marshal’s salary raised to five thousand dollars, is not doubted by anyone. He has got rid of Assistant Marshals Sweeny and Pietre, by having one appointed Inspector of Uniforms and the other Master Mechanic.

Some of the fire laddies are unkind enongh to say that the hre tugs were kppt upon the river at an expense of ten dollars per day each, for the purpose of protecting a certain soap factory, and can’t see why the authorities should be so anxious about the one located on the river, while the other soap factories received no more than the mass of the community.

The “ Florence House,” on the Calumet, is doing a big business, and is a great resort for our Firemen, who are fond of fishing and duck shooting. Any of the boys can get a furlough provided they register at the “ Florence.” It is no uncommon sight to see four or five members, with sometimes an Assistant Marshal at their head, spending a day or two there, and the horses and concord wagons of our Fire Department make an interesting display to the unsophisticated fishermen of the Calumet.

We have one Assistant Marshal who is acknowledged to be the nobbiest man in the city, and is “ the observed among the observers,” by his style and dash. He is a bachelor of about sixty, more or less, and the funny man on the Tribune is continually publishing his marriage to a Cleveland or St. Louis belle, much to the disgust of more than a score of young ladies residing in this Burg.

In my next I will have more to say about the general workings of our Department.

Praying always for the successof the NATIONAL FIREMAN’S JOURNAL, I sign myself


New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.
Pottsville (PA) House Fire

Woman Found Dead in Pottsville (PA) House Fire

An elderly woman succumbed to injuries in a deadly house fire Friday night, authorities said.